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Nothing Ear e Ear (a): gli auricolari per tutti i gusti! La ''doppia'' recensione
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Old 13-11-2011, 14:21   #1
Senior Member
L'Avatar di Ezechiele25,17
Iscritto dal: Jun 2005
Città: Napoli
Messaggi: 10837
[Thread Tecnico] The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim


Per discutere del gioco e del gameplay c'è il THREAD UFFICIALE

Per discutere dei mods del gioco c'è l'apposito THREAD DEI MODS

You should have acted.
They're already here.
The Elder Scrolls told of their return.
Their defeat was merely delay
Til the time after Oblivion opened,
When the sons of Skyrim would spill their own blood.
But no-one wanted to believe.
Believe they even existed.
And when the truth finally dawns:
It dawns in fire.
But, there's one they fear.
In their tongue, he's Dovahkiin: Dragon Born!



Il gioco è ambientato nella regione di Skyrim, la provincia più settentrionale di Tamriel, una regione montuosa e fredda, 200 anni dopo gli eventi di Oblivion. Anche se è una delle province meno ospitali di Tamriel, è stata la patria sia della civiltà elfica, sia di quella umana. Attualmente è abitata dalla razza umana dei Nord.


Piccola guida per cambiare faccia al gioco in modo "express" SENZA toccare l'ini (fondamentale per frames e stabilità), SENZA aggiungere nessuna texture o file e praticamente SENZA smanettare in nessun modo.

1. Installare l'ultima patch tramite Steam

2. Installare i driver NVIDIA 290.53 (o superiori)

3. Abilitare dai driver NVIDIA (il pannello di controllo) il profilo per Skyrim e abilitare: "Filtro anisotropico 16x" (disabilitatelo dal gioco altrimenti perderete gli effetti!), Occlusione ambientale su "prestazioni", e Filtro struttura Qualità su "qualità". Se avete problemi di tearing abilitate sempre dal pannello Nvidia il "Triplo Buffering"

4. Installare la mod Realistic Colors and Real Nights (oggi siamo alla 3.6, consiglio la versione "Legacy"). Ce ne sono di altre equivalenti (tipo A ENB HD6 Cinematic Lighting Enhancement) ma si tratta dei famigerati filtri enb che riduranno molto il framerate e metteranno in ginocchio il motore del gioco. L'Rcrn, invece, ha impatto nullo sulle performances.
Questo tipo di mod di solito, si installano copiando alcuni files nella cartella principale del gioco. Se la notte vi sembra troppo buia, consiglio inoltre di abbinarci la mod Eternal Torch per non far scaricare le torce.

Ovviamente siete liberi di editare l'ini, aggiungere o modificare textures. Ma seguendo soltanto questi passi la grafica del gioco migliora tantissimo e sarete, di fatto, col gioco praticamente "originale", quasi senza mod (o Vanilla, come si dice).

NOTE: Se avete problemi di frames tenete presente che lo SSAO può togliervi circa 10 frames. In generale, se volete guadagnare prestazioni ridurre l'Anti Aliasing dal gioco può dare ottimi risultati

by Ezechiele25,17

Qualche consiglio generale per ottimizzare la resa grafica di Skyrim

|| utili modifiche possibili al file .ini (possono tornare sempre utili)

Aggiungere sotto "uExterior Cell Buffer=": sIntroSequence= *Per eliminare la sequenza iniziale.

Aggiungere sotto [Combat]:
f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.7 f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.7
*Questo sposterà il punto di mira al centro del reticolo di visuale

Aggiungere sotto alla fine del file: [Actor] fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=12288.0000
*Potete mirare a soggetti a grande distanza con le frecce.

(Alcuni di questi consigli sono ormai superati, ma non faranno alcun danno. Per info aggiornate seguite la GUIDA STEP su Nexus, o chiedete nel thread)

1 - Impostazioni di base
a) Scaricare gli ultimi driver nVidia (ver. 285.79).
b) Impostare la configurazione del gioco ad Ultra, disattivando però l'FXAA e sfumatura dettaglio oggetti
c) Impostate TESV.exe con i diritti da amministratore

2 - Modifica Skyrim.ini (assicurarsi che non sia Read-Only, nel qual caso togliere l'attributo) contenuto in Documenti\My Games\Skyrim

-Open "SkyrimPrefs.ini" with a txt editor (make sure the file is not tagged as READ-ONLY) and adjust the following values to your preferences -Open the original "SkyrimPrefs.ini" with a txt editor (make sure the file is not tagged as READ-ONLY), find these lines and change them if you want:

iBlurDeferredShadowMask=3 (change to 1 or 2) - Lower values (0, 1 or 2) will sharpen shadows (not the resolution), making vegetation more "vibrant". It gives a subtle increase in performance, but also gives a more "pixelated" effect to shadows. Higher values (4, 5,etc) will make shadows softer and more blurred. I recommend changing this value to 1 or 2.

WARNING: When changing options from the Skyrim Launcher, this tweak will revert to the default value "3". You will have to re-apply it.

iMaxAnisotropy=16 (change to 1) - Improves Anisotropy Filter quality if you forced AF from your Nvidia card. USE THIS TWEAK ONLY IF YOU FOLLOWED STEP-3A AND ENABLED AF FROM YOUR VIDEO CARD!

bTreesReceiveShadows=0 (change to 1) - Improves tree shadowing by enabling (fake but nice) shadows ON trees! bDrawLandShadows=0 (change to 1) - Enable land shadowing, larger shadows are unaffected, this is a subtle effect.

iShadowMapResolution=2048 (change to 4096) - If you set shadow quality on “High” in step-2, this tweak will improve shadows resolution at a sensible performance cost. Shadow quality on “Ultra” already set this on 4096.

iWaterReflectHeight=512 (change to 1024) iWaterReflectWidth=512 (change to 1024) - Those subtlety improve water reflections, this is the only custom tweak that have an actual effect on water quality.

bMouseAcceleration=1 (change to 0) - Disables mouse acceleration which is highly annoying. Raise the mouse sensitivity from the game options instead.

-Save, exit. NOTE: If one of these settings is not present in your INIs, add it at the end of the file.

Se volete modificare il fov, sotto [Display] mettete:
fDefaultWorldFOV=XX (dove XX è il FOV, ad esempio io ho messo 85)
fDefault1stPersonFOV=xx.0000 (dove XX è il FOV, ad esempio io ho messo 85)

E se volete eliminare il v-sync perché vi dà problemi al mouse (a me non lo fa) questo:

Sotto alla sezione [Water] aggiungere/modificare questi valori:

Se avete ancora problemi col mouse

Se volete modificare il fov, sotto [General] mettete:
fdefaultfov=XX (dove XX è il FOV, ad esempio io ho messo 85)

(attenzione: si perde qualche frame!)

Attenzione: dai driver Nvidia 290.36 in poi è possibile fare queste modifiche allo stesso modo. Il risultato è, in soldoni, lo stesso. Forse dal pannello Nvidia è più semplice: basta attivare l'Ambient Occlusion è impostare "qualità". Il pannello si richiama poi le altre voci collegate.

Se volete usare il metodo "classico":

a) scaricare questo programma (nVidia Inspector, installarlo e lanciarlo
b) Nella finestra che sia apre cliccare sull'icona con chiave e cacciavite incrociati a fianco della versione dei driver
c) Nella nuova pagina in Profiles scegliete Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim e poi effettuate queste modifiche:
- In Compatibility --> Ambient Occlusion compatibility scegliete Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (fondamentale al corretto funzionamento del SSAO)
- In Antialiasing --> Transparency Multisampling impostate Disabled
- In Antialiasing --> Transparency Supersampling impostate 2x Supersampling
- In Texture Filtering --> Anisotropic filtering mode impostate User-defined / Off
- In Texture Filtering --> Anisotropic filtering setting impostate 16x
- In Texture Filtering --> Negative LOD bias impostate Clamp
- In Texture Filtering --> Quality impostate High Quality
- In Common --> Ambient Occlusion setting impostare Quality (non usare valori differenti, troppo pesante)
- In Common --> Ambient Occlusion usage impostare Enabled
- In Common --> Multi-display / mixeg-GPU acceleration impostare Single adaptive performance mode
d) Cliccare su Apply Changes in alto a destra.
e) Chiudere il programma

PS forzare l'AF da driver, anche se è attivato dalle opzioni del gioco, migliora la definizione dell'acqua

Ecco fatto... ora Skyrim dovrebbe essere più piacevole da esplorare. Se notate troppi cali di frame rate, potete disattivare il SSAO riportando ai valori iniziali quelli settati nella sezione Common nel punto 7c... o usare il pulsante di reset nell stessa finestra (è quello col simbolo verde di nVidia).

GRAZIE all'utente Gaxel per l'eccellente lavoro svolto.



La grafica sembra piatta grazie alla mancanza delle ombre "secondarie"
sia in esterno che in interno, sopratutto un "pseudo SSAO" sugli alberi.
(fate sempre una copia di backup dell'originale e salvate le modifiche del file "ini")
mettete in documenti/my games/skyrim/skyrimprefs.ini a 1 questi valori



Modificare il valore "fTreesMidLODSwitchDist" in questo modo. fTreesMidLODSwitchDist=3600.0000

Aumentare la densità dell'erba a distanza

Alcuni parametri interessanti da aggiungere al file Skyrim.ini.

Molti sembrano non funzionare nonostante vengano attivati o comunque non funzionare in certe condizioni (ma in altre sì). Quelli che al momento da una sicura resa migliore sono questi:


Aumentano la densità dell'erba a distanza. Sono da aggiungere a Skyrim.ini (se li mettete in SkyrimPref non fanno una cippa) sotto la voce [Grass].



da mettere sotto [Display] in Skyrim.ini. Permettono di fare in modo che le ombre non scorrano drasticamente come le lancette degli orologi col passare del tempo.

(Grazie a ulukaii)


1. mettete in documenti/my games/skyrim/skyrimprefs.ini questo valore, ma non aspettatevi molto (fate sempre una copia di backup dell'originale e salvate le modifiche)

1. Se volete un risultato migliore, impostate la vostra scheda audio con impostazioni "5.1" e non stereo, poi disabilitate a mano tutti i diffusori tramite il pannello di controllo e lasciate solo le casse frontali.

O ancora: mettere il volume di Skyrim al massimo tramite "ALT-TAB" a gioco aperto. Si apre il mixer del volume e si alza al 100% quello di Skyrim. Funge solo con Vista/Seven Dovreste finalmente sentire l'audio come si deve.


(copy the generated code and put it into the text file named "Skyrim.ini" at the following location:
"*:\Users\"YourUserName"\Documents\My Games\Skyrim"
copy the generated code and put it into the text file named "SkyrimPrefs.ini" at the following location:
"*:\Users\"YourUserName"\Documents\My Games\Skyrim" )

(le patch si scaricano tramite lo Steam Update, per le ultime patch consultare le note anche da Steam)


- General optimizations related to stability and performance.
- Essential followers recover properly if player fast travels away.
- Fixed rare instances of dragons flying improperly though objects after player exits an interior.
- Fixed rare instance where the a music track would not stop playing properly.
- Autosave message properly displays when going through a load door.
- The fifth level of the Light Fingers perk correctly calculates the Pickpocket skill bonus.
- Enchanting an item to improve the Sneak skill properly calculates the bonus to the player's Sneak skill.
- Enchanting an item to improve the Lockpick skill properly calculates the bonus to the player's Lockpick skill.
- Corpus Enchanter perk properly calculates bonuses to stats for the player’s new enchantments.


- Fixed rare issue where a character would not arrive properly to the Thalmor Embassy during Diplomatic Immunity.
- Rescue/Attack on Fort Neugrad will trigger properly if player travels to Fort Neugrad by foot.
- In To Kill an Empire, Gianna will now talk to player with certain diseases.
- Fixed rare instance of Civil War battle not starting properly if player receives a Companions quest from Farkas.
- During Brelyna's Practice, fixed rare issue where the player could be permanently invisible.
- Triggering combat in Largashbur no longer stops progression to The Cursed Tribe.
- Fixed rare instance where fighting a Civil War battle during The Fallen would prevent the Jarl of Whiterun from accepting their axe in Message to Whiterun.
- In The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, fixed rare instance where Arngeir would not teach player the last word of Unrelenting Force.
- In Taking Care of Business, fixed issue where Brynjolf would not give player this quest if Talen Jei was dead.


Improved occasional performance issues resulting from long term play (PS3)
Fixed issue where textures would not properly upgrade when installed to drive (Xbox360)
Fixed crash on startup when audio is set to sample rate other than 44100Hz (PC)
Fixed issue where projectiles did not properly fade away
Fixed occasional issue where a guest would arrive to the player’s wedding dead
Dragon corpses now clean up properly
Fixed rare issue where dragons would not attack
Fixed rare NPC sleeping animation bug
Fixed rare issue with dead corpses being cleared up prematurely
Skeleton Key will now work properly if player has no lockpicks in their inventory
Fixed rare issue with renaming enchanted weapons and armor
Fixed rare issue with dragons not properly giving souls after death
ESC button can now be used to exit menus (PC)
Fixed occasional mouse sensitivity issues (PC)
General functionality fixes related to remapping buttons and controls (PC)


Miglioramento generale della stabilità
Aggiustamento del sistema di Radiant Story sulla gestione dei ruoli
Sistemato il problema nel calcolo delle resistenze
Sistemato il problema dei libri da inserire nelle librerie all'interno delle case del giocatore
Aggiustata l'animazione dei draghi in collegamento con salvataggi e caricamenti
Aggiustato l'input y-look scalato correttamente con il framerate


Patch incrementale che abilita l'uso dei 4gb di ram nei pc così configurati, con conseguente aumento di prestazioni e generale migliore stabilità del gioco.



General optimizations for memory and performance
Fixed occasional issue with armor and clothing not displaying properly when placed on mannequins in player’s house (PS3)
Long term play optimizations for memory and performance (PS3)
Improved compiler optimization settings (PC)
Memory optimizations related to scripting
Fixed issue with dangling scripts not properly clearing from memory
Fixed crashes related to pathing and AI
Fixed crash in “Haemar’s Shame” if player had already completed “A Daedra’s Best Friend”
Fixed rare crash with loading saved games
Fixed issue with accented characters not displaying properly at the end of a line
Fixed issue where dragon priest masks would not render correctly
Fixed issue where quests would incorrectly progress after reloading a save
Fixed issues with placing and removing books from bookshelves in the player’s home
Optimized bookshelf script in player-owned houses that would occasionally block other scripts from properly firing off
Fixed issue where weapon racks and plaques would not work correctly in player’s house if player immediately visits their house before purchasing any upgrades
Fixed issue where the player house in Windhelm would not clean up properly
Fixed crash related to giant attacks and absorb spells
Fixed issue with ash piles not cleaning up properly
Fixed occasional issue where overwriting an existing save would fail
Fixed memory crash with container menu
Fixed infinite loop with bookshelves
Fixed issue where transforming back to human from werewolf would occasionally fail
Bows and daggers will display properly when placed on weapon racks
Fixed occasional audio issue that would play sound effects louder than intended
Fixed bug related to hitching between cell boundaries
Master Criminal achievement/trophy unlocks properly in French, German, Spanish and Italian
Fixed issue where traps in Shalidor’s Maze would not work properly in French, German, Spanish and Italian versions


The Unusual Gem that was inside the Thalmor Embassy is now accessible after finishing “Diplomatic Immunity”
In “Breaching Security”, the quest token is no longer required to receive a fortune reading from Olava the Feeble
Fixed issue where Galmar would not complete Joining the Stormcloaks properly if “Season Unending” was an active quest
Fixed issue where starting “Season Unending” after finishing “Joining the Stormcloaks” would prevent “The Jagged Crown” from starting properly
Fixed issue where progressing through “Message to Whiterun” while “Season Unending” was still open would block progression for both quests
In “Arniel’s Endeavor”, fixed issue where a quest journal would trigger multiple times
In “Forbidden Legend”, the amulet fragment can no longer disappear after player leaves a dungeon without taking it
Fixed rare issue in “Forbidden Legend” where killing Mikrul Gauldurson while sneaking would make his corpse unaccessible
In “The White Phial”, the phial can no longer disappear if player leaves dungeon without taking it
“The White Phial” will now start properly if player already has a briar heart in their inventory
Player can no longer get stuck in Misty Grove after completing “A Night to Remember”
Fixed issue where leaving Riften during “A Chance Arrangement” would prevent quest from progressing
In “Darkness Returns”, a door in Twilight Sepulcher will properly open if the player leaves the dungeon for an extended period of time before completing the quest
In “Revealing the Unseen”, if the player leaves the Oculory for an extended period of time after placing the focusing crystal and returns, the quest will proceed correctly
“Onmund’s Request” will now start properly if player has already found Enthir’s staff before receiving this quest
Fixed instance where Tonilia would stop buying stolen items and also would not give Guild Leader Armor
“Repairing the Phial” will start properly if player already has unmelting snow or mammoth tusk in their inventory
Finding Pantea’s Flute before speaking with Pantea no longer prevents her quest from updating
In “The Break of Dawn”, fixed rare instance where a quest object would spawn incorrectly on the Katariah during Hail Sithis
Fixed rare issue in “The Mind of Madness” where player is unable to equip the Wabbajack
Fixed issue in “Pieces of the Past” where Mehrunes Dagon’s Razor will not trigger properly if player leaves the cell for extended period of time before activating it
“Blood’s Honor” will start properly if you visited and completed Driftshade and an extended period of time passes before starting the quest.
Fixed rare issue where “Dampened Spirits” would not start properly
Fixed issue where player would be unable to become Thane of Riften if they purchased a home first
Fixed issue where killing guards in Cidhna Mine would block progression for “No One Escapes Cidhna Mine”
Fixed numerous issues with “Blood on the Ice” not triggering properly
In “Blood on the Ice”, Calixto can now be killed if player owns a house in Windhelm
In “The Cure for Madness”, killing Cicero then resurrecting him no longer impedes quest progress
Fixed rare issue in “To Kill an Empire” where an NPC would fail to die properly
Clearing Knifepoint Ridge before starting “Boethiah’s Champion” no longer prevents quest from starting.

(PC Only)


Fixed issue with downloading mods when you are subscribed to more than 50 mods
Fixed crash when loading a subscribed mod that has been removed from Workshop by the author
Mod load order functionality


Fixed occasional crashes when loading a save that relies on plugins/master files that no longer exist
Fixed issue where controls would become unresponsive while charging an enchanted weapon
Fixed issue where controls would occasionally become unresponsive while switching from third to first person while using the Arcane Enchanter
Fixed issue where controls would become unresponsive if activating a crafting station with autorun active
Fixed issue where keyboard would fail if Rename Item was selected before choosing the number of charges, while using Arcane Enchanter
Fixed several issues with remapping buttons while using an Xbox 360 controller
Fixed issue where pressing Escape button after fast traveling but before the loading would cause certain menus to stop working properly
Followers now sneak properly when player is sneaking



- New cinematic kill cameras for projectile weapons and spells
- New kill moves and animations for melee weapons
- Shadows on grass available (PC)
- Smithing skill increases now factor in the created item’s value
- Improved visual transition when going underwater
- Improved distance LOD transition for snowy landscapes


- General crash fixes and memory optimizations
- Fixed issue with Deflect Arrows perk not calculating properly
- In “A Cornered Rat,” the death of certain NPCs no longer blocks progression
- Fixed issue where Farkas would not give Companion’s quests properly
- Fixed crash when loading saves that rely on data that is no longer being loaded
- Followers sneak properly when player is sneaking
- Fixed issue with weapon racks not working properly in Proudspire Manor
- Arrows and other projectiles that were stuck in objects in the world now clean up properly
- Fixed issue where “Rescue Mission” was preventing “Taking Care of Business” from starting properly
- Fixed issue where certain NPCs would fail to become Thieves Guild fences
- Fixed issue in “Diplomatic Immunity” where killing all the guards in the Thalmor Embassy before starting the quest would break progress
- In “Hard Answers,” picking up the dwarven museum key after completing the quest, no longer restarts the quest
- Killing Viola before or after “Blood on the Ice” no longer blocks progression
- Fixed issue where Calixto would fail to die properly in “Blood on the Ice”
- In “Waking Nightmare” fixed occasional issue where Erandur would stop pathing properly
- Fixed issue where letters and notes with random encounters would appear blank
- Fixed rare issue where dialogue and shouts would improperly play
- Lydia will now offer marriage option after player purchases Breezehome in Whiterun
- Fixed issue where if player manually mined ore in Cidhna Mine, jail time would not be served
- Fixed rare issue with skills not increasing properly
- Fixed issue where the Headsman’s Axe did not gain proper buff from Barbarian perk
- In “A Night to Remember” it is no longer possible to kill Ysolda, Ennis or Senna before starting the quest
- Fixed issue with the ebony dagger having a weapon speed that was too slow
- Fixed issue with “The Wolf Queen Awakened” where backing out of a conversation with Styrr too soon would block progress
- The third level of the Limbsplitter perk now properly improves all battle axes
- Fixed a rare issue where Sanguine Rose would not work properly
- In “Tending the Flames” King Olaf’s Verse will no longer disappear from explosions

Come aprire la console in gioco

Opening the console can be done through the tilde-key (~), it sits before the "1" key and under the ESC-key. (per aprire premere il tasto "tilde" ossia (~))

Tutti i cheats e i comandi da attivare tramite console tasto (~)

- coc qasmoke - This brings you to the testing hall with all items in the game. Be careful as opening enchanted armor and weapons cabinets may cause your game to crash.
- coc <cell edid> - This will teleport you to any location you type in.
Example: coc riverwood, or coc whiterun
- fov x - Adjust field of view (insert fov value into )
- showracemenu - Bring up character customization menu.
NOTE: Your health Magicka, Stamina, and Health levels will be spread evenly on using this depending on your character's level. It will remove any point distributions that were custom.
- TGM - Toggle God Mode (invincible, also removing encumbering effect and unlimited magicka and stamina)
- TCL - Toggle Collision (no clipping mode; interacting possible, walk pointing up to fly into the air)
- TMM (0) - Toggle Map Markers (all locations, tmm 1 turns on, tmm 0 turns off)
- TFC - Toggle fly cam (removes the body and set the camera free, you will not be able to interract)
- TAI - Toggle Artificial Intelligence (freezes npc, they can't walk, move, or anything.)
- TCAI - Toggle Combat Artificial Intelligence (same as TAI; however only makes the NPC not being able to combat)
- TDetect - Toggle AI Detection (You can steal all you want and no one will see you, doesn't work with pickpocketing)

Codes using player target command

player.addperk <variable> - ( 000581e7 for Augmented Flames level 1 ; "player.addperk 000581e7")
(To find the perk id type 'help "perk name" 4', then add each level in order). Make sure to put double quotes around perks with a space in them.
player.addspell <variable> - ( 0007e8e1 for Raise Zombie : "player.addspell 0007e8e1")
player.additem <base_id> <amount> - (F # for gold, A # for lockpick ; "player.additem F 100" adds 100 gold for example)
player.setcrimegold XXX - Set it high if you want to fight, set it at 0 if you want to be free.
player.setlevel X - Make X equal your desired character level.
player.setav speedmult X - Where X equals your movement speed in a percentage value. (100 = 100%)
player.setav skill X - Sets skill without messing with level gains. The skill name can be found from the skill list, and X equals the value you want that skill to be. This also works for health, stamina, magicka, and carryweight. Example: [player.setav marksman 50] sets your archery to 50.
player.modav skill X - Buffs or debuffs a skill. The skill name can be found from the skill list, and X equals the value you want that skill to be. Example: If your Block skill is 30, you can "player.modav block 10", activating a buff to your Block and setting it to 40 (with the skill level appearing green as if a spell or item is affecting the skill). The same can be done in reversing by using a negative integer. Using "player.modav block -10" would activate a permanent debuff to your Block and set it to 10 (with the skill level appearing in red).

Altri codici utili

movetoqt - teleports you to quest target (currently not working for me, but is recognized by console) (will only work on quests with target markers, Bethesda quests; will not work on side quests with the new variable target locations.)
AdvSkill - Give the player the desired amount of skill usage points [AdvSkill onehanded 100] (after some testing the number placed at the end of the command would indicate usage points, not skill points, for example: if you used advskill onehanded 100, it would be the equivalent of 100 swings of a one handed sword, not 100 skill points.) - Skill List
IncPCS - Increase the players skill points by one point [IncSkill onehanded] - Skill List
player.modav carryweight ## - Adds amount to weight limit (Can also use health or magicka or stamina instead of carryweight to increase those totals.)
PSB - Adds every spell.
qqq - quits the game without exiting to the main menu.
unlock - Target the desired chest or door by clicking on it and then type "unlock"
lock XXX - You can lock chests and door, or people by targeting them and typing "lock" followed by the level of difficulty you wish to set it at.
kill - Target your enemy by clicking on them once in the console menu and type "kill" and it does just that.
killall - Kills all hostiles in your immediate vicinity
resurrect - Killed someone you didn't mean to? Target them once in the console menu and type "resurrect" and it will bring them back from the grave.
removeallitems - Target the desired character from the console menu and then type "removeallitems" and they will be stripped of everything in their inventory, including their clothes.
player.forceav dragonsouls # - Adds the specified # of Dragon Souls.
psb - Unlocks all spells in-game and unlocks all shouts.
caqs - Complete all Quest Stages
advlevel - Force a Level Up
enableplayercontrols - This command is used to enable controls during cinematics when they're disabled. Occasionally the game will glitch, instead of reloading put in this command and carry on.

Modificare il FOV (angolo di visuale in prima persona)


1) apri la console ingame (tasto \)
2) scrivi FOV XX (dove XX è il valore numerico che preferisci);
3) salvi
4) esci dal gioco (desktop);
5) rientri e ricarichi il tuo savegame.

Il FOV di Skyrim sembra essere 65 o 70.


Dall'inventario o dalla lista delle magie, una volta selezionata la tua arma (o la tua magia), premi il tasto "F" per aggiungere quella voce all'elenco dei preferiti (Q sta per Quick).
Una volta tornato alla normale schermata di gioco, premi "Q" per accedere alla lista dei preferiti. A questo punto puoi:

- Selezionare l'oggetto o la magia con il tasto sinistro o destro del mouse (per associare l'oggetto o la magia, rispettivamente, a tasto sinistro e/o tasto destro del mouse)
- Portare il cursore del mouse sopra l'oggetto o la magia desiderata (o scorrere tramite le frecce direzionali della tastiera fino al raggiungimento della voce desiderata) e premere un tasto da "1" a "8" per associarlo al tasto.

Per richiamare la voce dai preferiti puoi (esempi pratici):

- Magia 1 sulla mano sinistra: premere una volta il tasto "1"
- Magia 1 su entrambe le mani: premere due volte il tasto "1"
- Magia 1 sulla mano destra e magia 2 sulla mano sinistra: premere "1", "1", "2"
- Arma 3: premere una volta il tasto "3"

metodo per risolvere il bug delle frecce conficcate sul proprio personaggio

Aprire la console (\) e digitare: sexchange e poi di nuovo sexchange

TESVAL, SKYBOOST e SKYRIM Accelerator Layer NON servono dopo l'installazione della patch 1.4. Rimuoveteli prima di installare la patch
L'assenza della signature è essa stessa la signature

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Ultima modifica di Ezechiele25,17 : 25-11-2012 alle 00:54.
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Old 13-11-2011, 14:21   #2
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Post di servizio
L'assenza della signature è essa stessa la signature

mi oppongo alla disinformazione e alle opinioni spacciate per fatti.
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Old 13-11-2011, 14:22   #3
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post servizio
L'assenza della signature è essa stessa la signature

mi oppongo alla disinformazione e alle opinioni spacciate per fatti.
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Old 13-11-2011, 14:24   #4
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Corsair Graphite 780t * MSI PRO Z690-A * i5 12600k * Noctua NH-U12S * SilentStorm Cool Zero 750W * 2X8GB Crucial Ballistix 3600 C16 * Gigabyte GeForce RTX 4070 Gaming OC * SSD WD BLACK SN850 1 TB * Soundblaster Z * Acer Predator XB271HU * Windows 11 Pro * TV LG OLED55C1 * Compravendite+: 41
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Old 13-11-2011, 14:30   #5
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iscritto...più avanti mi servirà
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Old 13-11-2011, 14:36   #6
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IB 3570k- EVGA GTX 970&1489mhz - Z77-DS3H - Antec HCG M620w -16gb ram ddr3 - Asus VN279QLB
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Old 13-11-2011, 14:36   #7
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Col mio portatile avrò bisogno di tutto i tweaks del globo
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Samsung 970 EVO PLUS 500GB NVMe + Sabrent Rocket 1TB NVMe | Gigabyte RTX 2060 Gaming OC PRO | Viewsonic XG2401
Steam: Rinz
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Old 13-11-2011, 14:39   #8
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Old 13-11-2011, 14:40   #9
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Eccomi...ordinato, arriva il 17 e nel frattempo prego che con il sistema in firma a 1680*1050 giri a dettagli medio/alti o alti senza aa
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Old 13-11-2011, 14:41   #10
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Ottimo, buona idea!
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Old 13-11-2011, 14:42   #11
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Originariamente inviato da RaptorX86 Guarda i messaggi
Iscritto... qualche crash è stato corretto con il nuovo update? Cosa corregge esattamente quella patch? Grazie
Il chancelog non è stato rivelato. Questo perché la patch è uscita assieme al gioco
L'assenza della signature è essa stessa la signature

mi oppongo alla disinformazione e alle opinioni spacciate per fatti.
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Old 13-11-2011, 14:50   #12
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Il chancelog non è stato rivelato. Questo perché la patch è uscita assieme al gioco



General optimizations related to stability and performance.
Essential followers recover properly if player fast travels away.
Fixed rare instances of dragons flying improperly though objects after player exits an interior.
Fixed rare instance where the a music track would not stop playing properly.
Autosave message properly displays when going through a load door.
The fifth level of the Light Fingers perk correctly calculates the Pickpocket skill bonus.
Enchanting an item to improve the Sneak skill properly calculates the bonus to the player's Sneak skill.
Enchanting an item to improve the Lockpick skill properly calculates the bonus to the player's Lockpick skill.
Corpus Enchanter perk properly calculates bonuses to stats for the player’s new enchantments.


Fixed rare issue where a character would not arrive properly to the Thalmor Embassy during Diplomatic Immunity.
Rescue/Attack on Fort Neugrad will trigger properly if player travels to Fort Neugrad by foot.
In To Kill an Empire, Gianna will now talk to player with certain diseases.
Fixed rare instance of Civil War battle not starting properly if player receives a Companions quest from Farkas.
During Brelyna's Practice, fixed rare issue where the player could be permanently invisible.
Triggering combat in Largashbur no longer stops progression to The Cursed Tribe.
Fixed rare instance where fighting a Civil War battle during The Fallen would prevent the Jarl of Whiterun from accepting their axe in Message to Whiterun.
In The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, fixed rare instance where Arngeir would not teach player the last word of Unrelenting Force.
In Taking Care of Business, fixed issue where Brynjolf would not give player this quest if Talen Jei was dead.
Case: Carbide 300R --- MB: Gigabyte Z170x UD5 TH --- CPU: i5 6600k @4.4 / 1.26v --- DISS: Noctua U12S --- GPU: 1070 Asus Rog Strix OC @1705/2101-@8200 --- RAM: G-Skill TridentZ 16GB 3000 Mhz CL15 --- SSD: Samsung 850 EVO 500 GB --- PSU: XFX P1-650B-BEFX --- Rheobus: Lamptron FC6 --- Windows 10 Home 64 AU --- Monitor: Samsung FullHD
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Old 13-11-2011, 14:53   #13
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Indico soltanto, a scanso di equivoci che alcune delle voci indicate sopra andrebbero così configurate per migliorare la resa grafica:

bTreesReceiveShadows=0 to 1 (Change it to 1 to enable shadows on trees)
bDrawLandShadows=0 to 1 (Change it to 1 to enable land shadows)
bMouseAcceleration=1 to 0 (Change it to 0 to disable Mouse Acceleration and reduce lag input, but you will need to increase the mouse sensitivity in-game)
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Old 13-11-2011, 15:04   #14
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Originariamente inviato da ulukaii Guarda i messaggi
Indico soltanto, a scanso di equivoci che alcune delle voci indicate sopra andrebbero così configurate per migliorare la resa grafica:

bTreesReceiveShadows=0 to 1 (Change it to 1 to enable shadows on trees)
bDrawLandShadows=0 to 1 (Change it to 1 to enable land shadows)
bMouseAcceleration=1 to 0 (Change it to 0 to disable Mouse Acceleration and reduce lag input, but you will need to increase the mouse sensitivity in-game)
Tutto fatto
L'assenza della signature è essa stessa la signature

mi oppongo alla disinformazione e alle opinioni spacciate per fatti.
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Old 13-11-2011, 15:05   #15
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iscritto anche qui
CASE_XPredator X3 PSU_sapphire firePSU 625w CPU_i5 2500k@4.2GHzCooled byHyper 212 EVO MB_p8p67 EVO RAM_2x2 Corsair Vengeance SSD_840Pro 128GB VGA_MSI 670gtx Power Edition/OC@1345/7500Cooled byAccelero Xtreme III
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Old 13-11-2011, 15:22   #16
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● ( MyPC ) ● >> "RimWorld" <<The "Matrix Approved" videogames list!"The Indie Corner"
- qui ci devo scrivere qualcosa di bello, ma non mi viene in mente niente -
EA is the Devil... » ..victims of EA.. « ...ORIGIN is the Hell
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Old 13-11-2011, 15:23   #17
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Iscritto dal: Jan 2005
Città: In viaggio perpetuo fra Skyrim, Pandora e l'Overworld!
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Non è meglio aprire un thread a parte per i mod? Mi offro volontario
I miei mod per: Torchlight 2 - Portal 2 - Fallout 3 - New Vegas - Fallout 4 - Skyrim
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Old 13-11-2011, 15:25   #18
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Originariamente inviato da Armin Guarda i messaggi
Non è meglio aprire un thread a parte per i mod? Mi offro volontario
Vista l'enorme mole di mods che sta uscendo (e che uscirà) aggiornare un thread del genere è un lavoro duro, visto che i mod andrebbero messi in prima e poi aggiornati man mano (nonché testati). Se te la senti ben venga.
L'assenza della signature è essa stessa la signature

mi oppongo alla disinformazione e alle opinioni spacciate per fatti.
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Old 13-11-2011, 15:27   #19
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Iscritto dal: Jan 2005
Città: In viaggio perpetuo fra Skyrim, Pandora e l'Overworld!
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Originariamente inviato da Ezechiele25,17 Guarda i messaggi
Vista l'enorme mole di mods che sta uscendo (e che uscirà) aggiornare un thread del genere è un lavoro duro, visto che i mod andrebbero messi in prima e poi aggiornati man mano (nonché testati). Se te la senti ben venga.

Mettere in prima pagina tutti i mod è impossibile, nel giro di mesi sarebbero troppi.
L'intento è solo quello di razionalizzare i thread, cosi come era stato fatto per Oblivion.
I miei mod per: Torchlight 2 - Portal 2 - Fallout 3 - New Vegas - Fallout 4 - Skyrim
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Old 13-11-2011, 15:30   #20
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Originariamente inviato da Armin Guarda i messaggi
Mettere in prima pagina tutti i mod è impossibile, nel giro di mesi sarebbero troppi.
L'intento è solo quello di razionalizzare i thread, cosi come era stato fatto per Oblivion.
Io te lo appoggio -in senso positivo -!
Questa è poesia!
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