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Recensione HUAWEI MatePad 11.5''S, con il display PaperMatte si scrive come sulla carta
Recensione HUAWEI MatePad 11.5''S, con il display PaperMatte si scrive come sulla carta
HUAWEI MatePad 11,5''S è il nuovo tablet tuttofare di Huawei. Un device che adotta un display PaperMatte offrendo un'esperienza di scrittura e lettura simile alla carta, e vantando al contempo funzionalità pensate per la produttività come due accessori dedicati fra pennino e tastiera magnetica. Lo abbiamo provato e vi raccontiamo tutto quello che c'è da sapere nella nostra recensione completa.
Recensione HONOR 200 Pro: potrete fare ritratti da fotografo professionista! 
Recensione HONOR 200 Pro: potrete fare ritratti da fotografo professionista! 
HONOR sorprende il mercato dei medio gamma e lo fa con il nuovo HONOR 200 Pro, uno smartphone che sa fotografare ritratti professionali grazie ad un lavoro di Intelligenza Artificiale e di ottimizzazione realizzato in collaborazione con lo studio Harcourt di Parigi. Lo abbiamo messo in prova e questi sono i risultati.
I robot tagliaerba che nascono in Italia: visita nella sede (e nella fabbrica) di Stiga
I robot tagliaerba che nascono in Italia: visita nella sede (e nella fabbrica) di Stiga
Abbiamo avuto l'opportunità di visitare la sede di Stiga, azienda che a Castelfranco Veneto ha la sua sede operativa e produttiva, dove nascono tanti prodotti per la cura del verde, tra cui i nuovi robot autonomi
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Old 23-05-2008, 17:20   #1
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Exclusive! Windows 7 , vere notizie e.....

Engineering Windows 7


The "Ecosystem"

In the emails and comments, there are many topics that are raised and more often than not we see the several facets or positions of the issue. One theme that comes through is a desire expressed by folks to choose what is best for them. I wanted to pick up on the theme of choice since that is such an incredibly important part of how we approach building Windows—choice in all of its forms. This choice is really because Windows is part of an ecosystem, where many people are involved in making many choices about what types of computers, configuration of operating system, and applications/services they create, offer, or use. Windows is about being a great component of the ecosystem and what we are endeavoring to do with Windows 7 is to make sure we do a great job on the ecosystem aspects of building Windows 7.

Ecosystem and choice go hand in hand. When we build Windows we think of a number of key representatives within the ecosystem beyond Windows:

* PC makers
* Hardware components
* Developers
* Enthusiasts

Each of these parties has a key role to play in delivering on the PC experience and also in providing an environment where many people can take a PC and provide a tailored and differentiated experience, and where companies can profit by providing unique and differentiated products and services (and choice to consumers). For Windows 7 our goals have been to be clearer in our plans and stronger in our execution such that each can make the most of these opportunities building on Windows.

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More Follow up to discussion about High DPI

17 Settembre 2008

More Follow up to discussion about High DPI

Excellent! What a fun discussion we’ve been having on High DPI. It has been so enriching that Ryan wrote up a summary of even more of the discussion. Thanks so much! --Steven

There have been quite a few comments posted regarding high DPI, along with some lively discussion. Most of what has been said has been good anecdotal examples which are consistent with the data we have collected. For the areas where we didn’t have data, the comments have helped to validate many of our assumptions for this group. It is also clear that there are some areas of this feature which are confusing, and in some cases there is a bit of “myth” around what is ideal, what is possible, and what is there. This follow up post is mostly to summarize what we have heard, and to provide some details around the areas where there has been a bit of confusion.

Here is a list of our top “assumptions” which have been echoed by the comments posted:

* Most people adjust the screen resolution either to get larger text, or because it was an accident
* There is a core of people who know about high DPI and who use it
* Some people prefer more screen real-estate while others people prefer larger UI
* Discoverability of the DPI configuration is a concern for some
* App compat is a common issue, even a “deal breaker” in some cases
* IE Scaling is one of the top issues listed (see IE8 which fixes many of these!)
* Lots of complexities/subtleties and it is pretty hard to explain this feature to most people


Follow-up on High DPI resolution

13 Settembre 2008

One of the cool results of this dialog is how much interest there is in diving into the details and data behind some of the topics as expressed in the comment and emails. We’re having fun talking in more depth about these questions and observations. This post is a follow-up to the comments about high DPI resolution, application compatibility, and the general problems with readability in many situations. Allow me to introduce a program manager lead on our Desktop Graphics team, Ryan Haveson, who will expand on our discussion of graphics and Windows 7. –Steven

When we started windows 7 planning, we looked at customer data for display hardware, and we found something very interesting (and surprising). We found that roughly half of users were not configuring their PC to use the full native screen resolution. Here is a table representing data we obtained from the Windows Feedback Program which Christina talked about in an earlier post.

Windows 7 Blog Continua qui

The Windows Feedback Program

When we release the Windows 7 beta we will also be collecting feedback from this panel and asking for participation from a set of Windows 7 beta users. Our current plans call for signing up for the beta to happen in the standard Microsoft manner on Stay tuned!


6 Sett.
Reflecting on a few recent threads…
Si comincia a parlare

When we kicked off this blog, the premise was a dialog – a two-way conversation about the engineering of Windows 7. We couldn’t be happier with the way things have been going in this short time. As we said we intended to do, we’ve started a discussion about how we build the product and have had a chance to have some back and forth in comments and in posts about topics that are clearly important to you. To put some numbers on things, I’ve personally received about 400 email messages (and answered quite a few) and all total we have had about 900 English language comments from about 500 different readers (with a few of you > 10 comments). Early numbers show we have about 10x that latter number in readers+page views.

  • Profile-based Setup
  • Out of Box Experience - “OOBE”
  • Windows Features


3 Settembre

Product Planning for Windows...where does your feedback really go?

Ed. Note: Allow me to introduce Mike Angiulo who leads the Windows PC Ecosystem and Planning team. Mike’s team works closely with all of our hardware and software partners and leads the engineering team's product planning and research efforts for each new version of Windows. --Steven

In Windows we have a wide variety of mechanisms to learn about our customers and marketplace which all play roles in helping us decide what we build. From the individual questions that our engineers will answer at WinHEC and PDC to the millions of records in our telemetry systems we have tools for answering almost every kind of question around what you want us to build in Windows and how well it’s all working. Listening to all of these voices together and building a coherent plan for an entire operating system release is quite a challenge – it can feel like taking a pizza order for a billion of your closest friends!


29 Agost 2008

Boot Performance

For a PC to boot fast a number of tasks need to be performed efficiently and with a high degree of parallelism.

* Files must be read into memory.
* System services need to be initialized.
* Devices need to be identified and started.
* The user’s credentials need to be authenticated for login.
* The desktop needs to be constructed and displayed.
* Startup applications need to be launched.
Link al Blog

28 Agosto

Windows 7 -- Approach to System Performance

Memory usage
CPU utilization
Disk I/O
Boot, Shutdown, Standby/Resume

Link al Blog Ufficiale by Sinosfky

22 Agosto

Molti driver gia disponibili per Windows 7


Provate con Internet Explorer

Update dal Blog Ufficiale

19 Agosto 2008

The Windows 7 Team

Qualche dettaglio sul Team da Brandon
How my team and I fit into Windows 7

Giovedi 14 Agosto 2008

Apre il Blog Ufficiale di Windows 7

facciamo sentire che l'ITALIA CE'

Auguri Team!!!! In bocca al Lupo,

Link al Blog Ufficiale

da PDC 2008 Agenda

Windows 7: Graphics Advances
Windows 7 enables you to advance the graphics capabilities of your applications while carrying forward existing investments in your Win32 codebase, including GDI and GDI+. New enhancements to DirectX let Win32 applications harness the latest innovations in GPUs and LCD displays, including support for scalable, high-performance, 2D and 3D graphics, text, and images. Also learn how to leverage the GPU's parallelism for general-purpose computation such as image processing.

Windows 7: Optimizing for Energy Efficiency and Battery Life
A single application can reduce mobile battery life by up to 30%. Windows 7 provides advances for building energy-efficient applications. In this session we will discuss how to leverage new Windows infrastructure to reduce application power consumption and efficiently schedule background tasks and services.

Windows 7: Touch Computing
In Windows 7, innovative touch and gesture support will enable more direct and natural interaction in your applications. This session will highlight the new multi-touch gesture APIs and explain how you can leverage them in your applications.
Windows 7: Web Services in Native Code
Windows 7 introduces a new networking API with support for building SOAP based web services in native code. This session will discuss the programming model, interoperability aspects with other implementations of WS-* protocols and demonstrate various services and applications built using this API.

un nuovo video che mostra anche una nuova parziale taskbar di 7

si nota che è piu grande di quella di Vista e pare che sopra potremmo pogiarci le nostre icone non più solo piccole.



Windows 7 sarà moultitouch o meglio il sistema comprenderà molte funzioni incluse in Surface.


nel video viene mostrato a lavoro su un Dell latitude Xt.

Ovviamente nessuno vi chiede di comprare un hardware moultitouch solo per Seven , come Vista (per chi non lo sapesse) ha tutte le funzioni di touch screen , anche se con Dell latitude Vista diventa multitouch.

quindi il vero addio a mouse e tastiera sarà ancora lungo ,però sicuramente avremmo dei nuovi dispositivi a 5 -600 euro con queste funzioni all uscita di Seven

Solo dal 26 Ottobre si comincerà a parlare veramente di Windows 7 vero e proprio (PDC e WInheec)
fino ad allora sappiate che esisteranno solo queste informazioni

32 64 bit
Kernel di Windows Server 2008 e Vista SP1 rismantellato e ricostruito (25 mb)
No minWin perchè avrebbe esclusso a priori tutti i 32 bit compreso le periferiche (driver driver driver)
La gui temporanea è quella di Vista
Funzioni di surface incluse in 7

Intervista a Steven Sinofsky

tutto il resto sono FAKE!!

Attuali Screen (touch)

Ultima modifica di dovella : 19-09-2008 alle 09:08.
Old 23-05-2008, 17:30   #2
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OK, allora possiamo iniziare a fare il count-down di Vista SP2

Ultima modifica di yeppala : 23-05-2008 alle 17:34.
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Old 23-05-2008, 17:40   #3
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Old 23-05-2008, 17:48   #4
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2010? ma svista non doveva essere sostituito il prima possibile?
Lenovo Thinkpad T480s | Steam Deck 256GB | iPhone 14 128GB
Ho trattato positivamente con: pupgna,pikerunner,Maldo,Sawato Onizuka,A-ha,darkfable,il.principino
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Old 23-05-2008, 18:26   #5
Iscritto dal: Jun 2006
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Si è fatto e si fa un troppo parlare di Windows 7 .
Ho appena ricevuto la conferma che tutti i dettagli ed una bella presentazione REALE sarà fatta al PDC 2008

26 Ottobre

Quindi siamo ufficialmente in dolce attesa
la release dovrebbe eessere Dic 2009 Usa e probabilmente Gen 2010 Italia ma questa non è confermata al 100%
Si ma magari presentano solo il prodotto e fanno sapere cosa stanno facendo, non è che di punto in bianco esce il nuovo windows.
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Old 23-05-2008, 18:30   #6
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Si ma magari presentano solo il prodotto e fanno sapere cosa stanno facendo, non è che di punto in bianco esce il nuovo windows.
certo che è cosi , + video dimostrativo
Old 23-05-2008, 18:37   #7
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Originariamente inviato da theory Guarda i messaggi
2010? ma svista non doveva essere sostituito il prima possibile?
hai messo una S di troppo
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Old 23-05-2008, 18:48   #8
Iscritto dal: Feb 2008
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..iniziamo con un altro countdown
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Old 23-05-2008, 19:02   #9
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..iniziamo con un altro countdown

si ma un countdown per la presentazione o per l RTM ??

cmq stavolta stembè preparati a spaccare tutto
Old 23-05-2008, 20:10   #10
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Originariamente inviato da stambeccuccio Guarda i messaggi
..iniziamo con un altro countdown
Ti faccio i complimenti per l'ottima "fortuna" del tuo avatar
Think Different
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Old 24-05-2008, 08:46   #11
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Intanto a Redmond qualcosa si sta muovendo
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Old 24-05-2008, 09:20   #12
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Nvidia cerca personale per Windows 7
Old 24-05-2008, 10:13   #13
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Anche la pizzeria sotto casa mia cerca fattorini e personale!

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Old 24-05-2008, 10:22   #14
Iscritto dal: May 2003
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nooooo basta dovella non se ne può più
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Old 24-05-2008, 10:58   #15
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Originariamente inviato da bassplayer84 Guarda i messaggi
Anche la pizzeria sotto casa mia cerca fattorini e personale!

con questi requisiti

- BSCS or BSEE required.
- Candidates should be senior level QA or development engineers with a minimum of five years experience or the equivalent.

Old 24-05-2008, 11:02   #16
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con questi requisiti

- BSCS or BSEE required.
- Candidates should be senior level QA or development engineers with a minimum of five years experience or the equivalent.

scusa ma credi che importi a qualcuno di ste cose?
Sei dell'ufficio ricerca personale?
Oppure vuoi postare notizie degne di discussione? mah
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Old 24-05-2008, 11:04   #17
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forse questa volta riusciranno a preparare dei driver in tempo, forse
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Old 24-05-2008, 12:12   #18
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forse questa volta riusciranno a preparare dei driver in tempo, forse
ne sono certo
Old 24-05-2008, 12:23   #19
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ne sono certo
Io proprio non capisco il tuo entusiasmo per queste cose...
fosse una bella si sta parlando di driver e un sistema operativo... come si può essere così attirati da ste cose, proprio da non poter resistere in ogni occasione di dire che è il top, il meglio, la cosa migliore mai fatta!
Sono anche io convinto che M$ e Nvidia siano tra gli esponenti maggiori a livello mondiale di HW e SW, ma questo non vuol dire che va sottolineata questa cosa in ogni piccola/inutile circostanza...

e soprattutto...a chi potrà interessare in un forum il discorso che una ditta di HW cerca personale?mah
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Old 24-05-2008, 14:36   #20
Iscritto dal: May 2003
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ma piantala dovella
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