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Recensione Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine 2: epicità allo stato puro
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Old 23-07-2022, 16:53   #61
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Originariamente inviato da UnicoPCMaster Guarda i messaggi
Salve, oggi l'ho ripreso e non ci giocavo da inizio giugno ed è ingiocabile per i continui crash, ho provato anche a disinstallare-reinstallare ed a reiniziare la partita teoria del caos jurassic world, anche voi avete avuto questi problemi di crash?
GPU nvidia? E' colpa dei drivers. Io son tornato ai 512.95, tutto quello che è uscito dopo è praticamente uno schifo (e non solo con JWE2, ma anche con altri giochi).

Da quando ho fatto il rollback, tutto perfetto. Mai un crash o un anomalia (tipo glitch su ombre o shaders).

Non ho provato con gli ultimi hot-fix 516.79, ma non avevo voglia di fare un altro eventuale rollback, anche perché la base sui cui son fatti è sui 516.59 che nel changelog ha più open-issues che bug-fix
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Old 23-07-2022, 17:01   #62
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No, AMD.
Cerco Age of Empires Rise of Rome scatolato.

Cerco Dark Souls scatolato, anche con key già utilizzata.
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Old 23-07-2022, 17:13   #63
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Non so se con AMD sono stati segnalati problemi con gli ultimi drivers. Avevi fatto update tra giugno ad adesso?

PS: che versione é? Quella PC oppure quella del gamepass?
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Old 23-07-2022, 17:34   #64
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Si, è la versione microsoft store/game pass ed i driver in realtà non li aggiorno da un bel po', ora provo ad aggiornarli.

con impostazioni alte sembra verificarsi meno spesso
Cerco Age of Empires Rise of Rome scatolato.

Cerco Dark Souls scatolato, anche con key già utilizzata.
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Old 23-07-2022, 19:16   #65
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La versione GamePass è differente da quella PC (anche i save non sono intercompatibili tra versione PC e GamePass), può essere che alcune impostazioni creino conflitto coi drivers. Prova ad aggiornare, al massimo puoi cercare di isolare quella che genera problemi, esempio, mettendo tutto su medio e poi alzando ad alto una per volta.
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Old 24-07-2022, 10:06   #66
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Eh si, è quello che già stavo provando a fare in parte ma non è chiaro in quali condizioni scatenare il crash.

Chissà cosa hanno cambiato con le ultime patch...
Cerco Age of Empires Rise of Rome scatolato.

Cerco Dark Souls scatolato, anche con key già utilizzata.
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Old 24-07-2022, 10:44   #67
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Non saprei dirti, io l'unico crash che ho avuto (dalla release ad oggi) fu dovuto a un modder che aveva uppato su nexus un save come non-moddato, quando non era vero, col risultato che faceva schiantare tutto al caricamento, genio

Anche coi drivers nvidia su menzionati, non avevo crash, ma ombre che sfarfallavano, glitch sugli shaders e cali anomali nel framerate. Con il rollback tutto a posto. E dalla release dell'ultimo DLC ci sto giocando molto di più rispetto a prima.

Sullo stesso sistema ho giocato per parecchie ore anche alla versione Microsoft sfruttando il game pass, tutto liscio e nessun problema. Anzi, segnalo che sebbene i salvataggi non siano compatibili tra le due versioni (perché quella game pass usa i save in "stile" console) pure la versione game pass è moddabile a piacere, basta che sul sistema ci sia il check per l'autorizzazione offline (che fa in modo che l'app Xbox lasci la cartella di installazione accessibile e modificabile).

Ultima modifica di ulukaii : 07-08-2022 alle 07:54.
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Old 13-09-2022, 17:17   #68
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Anteprima Update 4

Giovedì (15 settembre) è prevista la release dell'Update 5 che porta alcune interessanti aggiunte, tra cui nuove decorazioni per il parco e le lagune, nuovi comportamenti per rettili marini/volanti, nuove modifiche ai genomi e nuove opzioni di personalizzazione per la modalità sandbox. Ecco l'elenco dei contenuti e delle modifiche:
Lagoon Customisation & Decoration
You'll be able to experience a new range of customisation for your Lagoons in Update 4, with brand new decorations which can be placed around the edges and on the bottoms of all Lagoons! These include a Lagoon Fountain, Lagoon Cages, Lagoon Rocks and Lagoon Coral, amongst other decorative items. In order to ensure that you're able to enjoy these new decorations as much as possible, we've also incorporated various Quality of Life updates for Lagoons, including improving the clarity of Lagoon water and viewing stand glass so that there's a clearer look into the Lagoon water itself. You'll also be able to move the game camera into the water of Lagoons, allowing you to fully appreciate your decorative handiwork.

Behaviour Changes
Update 4 also features additions to both flying and marine reptile behaviours that will change the way they act within your park. The first of these changes is one your Capture Teams are likely to notice quite quickly - certain escaped flying reptiles will now attack Capture Team helicopters! You'll notice there is now a condition bar above your Capture Teams, which will be impacted when under attack by a flying reptile. Once this bar runs out, the Capture Team will be destroyed, and you will need to purchase replacement teams.

With this update, you'll also see a change to how your marine reptiles behave when they're uncomfortable: they'll begin attacking the walls of your Lagoon when they're unhappy, and can become injured during this process, so make sure you're meeting their needs to avoid this unwelcome outcome!

We'll also be making some adjustments to dinosaur cohabitation preferences in the new update, adding Likes relationships between both Hadrosaurid and Ceratopsids and Ornithomimosaurids and Ceratopsids. Ceratopsids can now cohabit with other Ceratopsids, too, although there will be some exceptions to this.

Building Decorations
This latest update will allow you to see some exciting new changes to how you decorate your dinosaur park, with brand new amenity and attraction building decorations now available. These include several new planters and even some new fountains that you'll be able to add to the outside of these buildings to offer more control over your amenity and attraction's look and feel.

Whilst we're on the topic of lights, Update 4 also brings with it the ability to change the colour of decorative lights throughout your park, using a new Lighting tab within the Decorations panel. This new subsection will highlight all of the available decorations which contain editable lights, and you'll also notice a new 'Edit Light Colour' mode that allows you to quickly and easily paint lights across the park. Your gameplay will automatically switch over to night time whilst you're doing this, for ease!

Postcards and Stamps
Wishing you could write home about your Jurassic World Evolution 2 creations? Look no further than the brand new overlay options we're bringing you with Update 4: Capture Mode will now be home to 6 new postcard overlays and 4 new stamp overlays, allowing you to share your dinosaur park in an entirely new and exciting way.

Additional Sandbox Settings
There are a number of quality of life changes coming to Sandbox Mode in Update 4, allowing for even greater freedom in designing your very own Jurassic World. Not only have we redesigned Sandbox Settings to make them more readable, but your custom settings will also save between sessions, so you can play the way you want to every single time.

You'll also notice that Update 4 brings with it more sandbox options around dinosaur Traits when Gene Editing, including the ability to create negative Traits, the ability to have infinite Traits, and the ability to have infinite Trait points, and there are new Cohabitation settings for Normal, All Like, or No Dislike, too, allowing you even more freedom in how you build your Jurassic World.

Finally, we've also included an Instant Construction/Destruction setting, meaning no more waiting for new buildings or attractions!
We hope you've enjoyed reading more about the upcoming Late Cretaceous Pack and some of the updates that are going to be included for free in Update 4. Which features are you most looking forward to?
A fianco all'update sarà rilasciato anche un DLCs a pagamento (Late Cretaceous Pack) che comprende 4 nuove specie: Barbaridactylus (rettile volante), Styxosaurus (rettile marino), Australovenator (teropode) e Alamosaurus (sauropode).


Qui il changelog completo della patch, non sto a riportarlo in quanto parecchio lungo, sia per le aggiunte che per i bug-fix. Sono state apportate modifiche anche al comportamento degli animali oltre che alle relazioni tra alcuni di loro, aggiunte nuove funzioni per i team dei rangers (tipo pilotare manualmente i droni nelle voliere) e altre cosette. Insomma un update interessante.

Qualche video showcase dei contenuti della patch >

Ultima modifica di ulukaii : 15-09-2022 alle 17:44. Motivo: aggiunto changelog
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Old 29-11-2022, 22:02   #69
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Il prossimo 8 dicembre esce un nuovo DLCs a pagamento, una nuova campagna (a Malta), nuovi animali, edifici e altro > qui la presentazione.

Contemporaneamente uscirà anche la nuova patch l'Update 5 che oltre a bug-fix porta anche alcune migliorie e nuove aggiunte:
Alongside the new Jurassic World Evolution 2: Dominion Malta Expansion, we're also releasing Update 5, which is a free update for anyone who owns Jurassic World Evolution 2. This update comes with new levels and features, as well as some quality of life updates and bug fixes. It also adds the ability to import saves from PlayStation 4 consoles to PlayStation 5 consoles.

Update 5 includes the 5 DFW Campaign maps as Challenge Levels, which will become accessible once you've earned 7 stars across all maps in Challenge Mode. These include Arizona Breakout, Washington State Wreckage, Pennsylvania Headquarters, Oregon Aviary, and California Photography - a brand new photography challenge! You'll also be dealing with some brand new Challenge Conditions, which will vary across levels. These range from Tranquilliser Upgrades, which will require you to research new upgrades to tranquilise any dinosaur over a Level 2 Security Rating, Psychological Trauma, which will require you to hire Scientists with the 'Psychologist' trait to cure dinosaurs who possess this trait, and Staff Hiring Requirements, which will require you to meet certain needs before you're able to hire Expert staff members. We're sure you'll be up to the challenge(s), Park Managers!

There are brand new behaviours for tiny dinosaurs in Update 5! This includes group attacks for Moros Intrepidus and Compsognathus on guests & goats, as well as changes to navigation logic, so that Lystrosaurus, Oviraptor, Moros Intrepidus and Compsognathus will navigate around water. Lystrosaurus, Oviraptor, Moros Intrepidus and Compsognathus also have some adjustments to their collision behaviours, so that they will now no longer collide with guests or vehicles!

Update 5 features a plethora of changes to how UI works in Jurassic World Evolution 2. Now, when transporting a dinosaur, you'll be able to see the outlines of territories and dinosaurs of that species, as well as an icon above which dinosaurs are liked, disliked, or neutral to that species whilst in transit. Once you've placed dinosaurs in their enclosures, selecting the Alpha of that species will also highlight the rest of said species for you, so you can see how many of one species you have within that enclosure.

There are lots more UI Changes you'll notice in Update 5, including a new 'ailment and tranquilise' icon when controlling the Capture Team or adding a new task, earlier fight notifications so you can step in when two dinosaurs aren't getting along, and an added notification when Park Tours are disabled by a storm. You'll be able to learn about the rest of the changes in the patch notes, which will be released December 8.

Of course, we've also got some quality of life updates coming your way in Update 5! These include Tour vehicles honking at dinosaurs blocking their way, as well as ensuring sleeping dinosaurs are reactive when being honked at, and territory decaying more slowly near desirable feeders that are inside the territory. Alongside this, the Kentrosaurus 2015 and Ouranosaurus 2015 Variants (both from the Camp Cretaceous Dinosaur Pack), as well as the 2022 Variants of Dreadnoughtus and Giganotosaurus from the Dominion Biosyn Expansion will each be getting 12 new body colours and 7 new pattern colour options, and you'll now be able to view a Body Variant selector in the genome editor and Species Viewer for these species.

There will be more quality of life changes, as well as bug fixes, in the full patch notes coming out on 8 December.
Qui il changelog dei contenuti del nuovo DLC. A seguire invece quello della patch che si porta comunque appresso dei contenuti interessati, come le nuove routine IA per i piccoli dinosauri o il supporto a DLSS3 e NVIDIA Reflex:
Game Modes
Five DFW Campaign levels are now available to play as challenge mode maps when the player earns 3, 5, 7, 9 and 2 stars respectively across all maps in Challenge Mode
1 - Arizona Breakout
2 - Washington State Wreckage
3 - Pennsylvania Headquarters
4 - Oregon Aviary
5 - California Photography

Added new Challenge conditions

Tranquilliser Upgrades
- Found within Arizona Breakout, Washington State Wreckage and Pennsylvania Headquarters
- Default Tranquillisers now only work on dinosaurs with Level 1 and 2 Security Ratings
- Research additional upgrades

Psychological Trauma
- Found within Washington State Wreckage and Pennsylvania Headquarters
- Dinosaurs within the ailment of "Psychological Trauma" require scientists with the trait of "Psychologist" to cure them

Photo Level
- Found within California Photography
- Added new timed Photography mission type to reach 5 stars

Staff Hiring Requirements
- Found within Pennsylvania Headquarters and Oregon Aviary
- Specific Staff members (Experts) have requirements that need to be met before they let you hire them.
- Experts will also have more skill points and two specific character traits
- Experts are available for a fixed period of time and cannot be refreshed

Tiny Dinosaur Behaviours
- Added group attacks for tiny dinosaurs on guests and goats. Applies to Moros Intrepidus and Compsognathus
- Turned off collision between tiny dinosaurs and guests. Applies to the Lystrosaurus, Oviraptor, Moros Intrepidus and Compsognathus
- Turned off collision between tiny dinosaurs and vehicles. Applies to the Lystrosaurus, Oviraptor, Moros Intrepidus and Compsognathus
- Adjusted navigation logic so tiny dinosaurs navigate around water. Applies to the Lystrosaurus, Oviraptor, Moros Intrepidus and Compsognathus

- Added 2 new achievements and trophies for Xbox, PlayStation and Steam

Quality of Life Updates

- Show the outlines of territories / dinosaurs of that species when transporting a dinosaur
- Added dinosaur highlight when assigning tranquillise and transport tasks
- Show an "ailment + tranquillise" icon when controlling the Capture Team or adding a new task
- Highlight disliked dinosaurs or show an icon when transporting
- Adjusted how territory is displayed during terrain editing with a pinned dinosaur to only show contentious overlaps to reduce clutter
- Highlight liked plants during terrain editing
- Highlight currently placed brush during terrain editing
- Disable the "Challenge Mode" splash on Challenge: San Diego and Challenge: Return to Isla Nublar
- Made Lagoon and Aviary preview rings highlight the map boundary
- Send the fight notification earlier to provide more notice on a fight occurring
- Added notification when a Tour is disabled by a storm
- Research Outposts now show a reduced view symbol during conditions that reduce the visibility from the Outposts
- Inspecting a dinosaur's territory now highlights the other dinosaurs in the territory when the alpha is selected
- Added Body Variant selector to the genome editor and Species Viewer for dinosaurs whose variants now have their own selectable skin and pattern colours. Affects these species: Giganotosaurus and Dreadnoughtus (Dominion Biosyn Expansion required), Kentrosaurus and Ouranosaurus (Camp Cretaceous Dinosaur Pack required), Iguanodon (Dominion Malta Expansion required)
- Includes the ability to randomly choose skin colour within a single variant (on all platforms), or across both variants (on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series)
- Display the variant imagery of these species when showing a dinosaur image such as Gene Library, Research, Dinosaur Exchange and Park Management

- Made sure tour vehicles honk at dinosaurs blocking their way, and make sleeping dinosaurs react to being honked at
- Added ability to show a dinosaur's liked paleo preferences whilst editing environment
- Territory decays more slowly near desirable feeders that are inside the territory
- Made lagoon feeders more lenient when deciding if they're inside a territory. This makes it easier for marine reptiles to maintain their comfort levels even if the territory decays a short distance away from the feeder's position on the lagoon wall.

Dinosaur cohabitation
- Parasaurolophus and Maiasaura are now friendly to each other
- Pyroraptor now dislikes Scorpios Rex and Indominus Rex
- Australovenator now dislikes Scorpios Rex

Jurassic World Database
- Added Kayla Watts and Soyona Santos to the Jurassic World Database

Improvements to lagoon decoration placement
- Camera is kept below the water surface while rotating it
- Camera will not leave the lagoon when moving into the lagoon walls
- Made it easier to put the camera near the water surface by zooming out without leaving the water
- The position of the object being placed is more consistent while rotating the camera

Sandbox Mode
- Added ability to set time of day and day length to Sandbox settings

- Supported PCs Only
Added support for NVIDIA Streamline, DLSS3 and NVIDIA Reflex

Quality of Life Updates - Camp Cretaceous Dinosaur Pack
- Kentrosaurus (Camp Cretaceous Variant). Added 12 body colour x 7 pattern colour options
- Ouranosaurus (Camp Cretaceous Variant). Added 12 body colour x 7 pattern colour options

Quality of Life Updates - Dominion Biosyn Expansion
- Added new rocks as part of the biome set used for Biosyn levels
- Dreadnoughtus 2022. Added 12 body colour x 7 pattern colour options
- Giganotosaurus 2022. Added 12 body colour x 7 pattern colour options

Bug Fixes

- Prevented helicopters from being buried under the terrain
- Adjusted the speed in which gates open for Tour vehicles to be quicker
- Adjusted the position of the aerial drone's photo camera so that the gun barrel isn't visible at any rotation

- Fixed flying reptiles ragdoll states falling through the floor
- Fixed large sauropods ragdolling unnaturally when being transported
- Fixed camera going wild when Kronosaurus attacks Lagoon wall, when viewing from certain angles
- Fixed dinosaurs occasionally ragdolling unnaturally when being lowered onto a Paleo-Medical Facility
- Fixed dinosaurs occasionally ragdolling unnaturally when being tranquillised a second time
- Prevented dinosaurs from attempting to eat from empty fish feeders
- Fixed delivered dinosaurs potentially arriving with feeder-related diseases where the cure cannot be immediately researched
- Infected feeders now cannot be moved or deleted preventing completion of related research cures
- Fixed 'medication available' showing in Sandbox levels for diseases when cure has not been researched
- Fixed situation where dinosaurs would remain stationary for long periods when there was lots of food nearby that was all unreachable
- Fixed a case of flying dinosaurs getting stuck in flight
- Fixed rare case of dinosaurs leaving enclosures without breaking out

- Fixed pressing up on the D-pad in the Power menu selecting a non-existent item
- Hide vehicle status icons during in-world cinematics at the start of scenarios
- Added Dominion logo to some of the missing film characters
- Disabled Capture Mode in building view modes to prevent the camera clipping through walls and escaping
- Fixed several Styxosaurus skins not matching their preview in the Species Viewer
- Fixed being able to spam keys during load to get into management screens before island intro cutscenes have started playing
- Fixed being unable to access the level select for the DFW and Biosyn Dominion campaigns if progress had previously been made through the campaign, but no save file for the campaign still existed

Sandbox Mode
- Fixed "flatten terrain" option not saving when using it in a custom Sandbox setting

- Fixed background mountains vanishing in Arizona Campaign level

- Fixed Fish particles around Lagoon decorations going upside down
- Fixed lagoon lights not rendering through viewing gallery glass
- First Person View
- Fixed being able to drop out of an ACU helicopter into a hatchery's enclosure

- Various stability fixes
- Various animation fixes
- Various audio fixes
- Various text and localisation fixes

Bug Fix - Dominion Biosyn Expansion
- Ensure the Therizinosaurus is rotated correctly before being lowered into the Paleo-Medical Facility

Bug Fix - Late Cretaceous Pack
- Fixed the Alamosaurus occasionally distorting when being airlifted

Ultima modifica di ulukaii : 08-12-2022 alle 11:32.
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Old 22-03-2023, 16:23   #70
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Anteprima Update 6 e nuovo DLC

Annunciato nuovo DLC in uscita il prossimo 30 marzo. Si tratta di un dino-pack, nello specifico Feathered Species Pack. Aggiunge 3 dinosauri piumati (Deinocheirus, Yutyrannus, Sinosauropteryx) e 1 rettile volante (Jeholopterus), al costo di 8 euro.

Contemporaneamente uscirà anche l'Update 6 che si porta appresso alcune interessanti aggiunte per tutti (quindi comune a tutte le versioni, a prescindere dai DLCs posseduti):
Remote Viewing Galleries
An exciting new addition we have in Update 6 are Remote Viewing Galleries! Introducing brand new ways to decorate your park, we've added two building attractions, the Log Viewing Gallery and the Dome Viewing Gallery. These new building pieces can be placed anywhere in an enclosure to allow your guests to get up close and personal with their favourite prehistoric species. Of course, within the safety of the gallery!

Disguising itself amongst the natural enclosure, the Log Viewing gallery is as the name suggests! As you can place these anywhere inside an enclosure, you will need to ensure they are connected to an entrance building using an underground connection. Once they are connected, your guests will be able to journey into these viewing galleries to experience up close dinosaur interactions.

The dome viewing gallery, much like the log viewing gallery, will also need an underground connection to an entrance building to work as intended. This particular gallery is the perfect addition to the Aviaries. Watch your flying reptiles soar through the sky and if you are lucky, they may even perch alongside your gallery for a unique encounter. We are sure these glass domes will give your guests an entirely new perspective!

You can find both of these viewing galleries in the 'attractions' menu. We're looking forward to seeing all the ways you decide to use these new additions in your enclosures and aviaries!

Cinematic Camera Mode
For those with a keen eye for photography, we've added a new Cinematic Camera Mode. We can't wait to see what you do with this new feature! The cinematic camera will allow you to transition between camera angles and viewpoints across your park to instantly snap those picture perfect views and exciting interactions between your prehistoric species.

This mode will be accessed through Capture Mode and you will even be able to add existing overlays of postcards, stamps, logos, letterboxes, filters and guidelines to enhance your photos with a truly personal touch. Make sure to share your screenshots with us once you get a chance to try it out.

Zipline Variants
Variants to the Zipline attraction that was first added in Update 1.5.10, on the 1st anniversary of Jurassic World Evolution 2 are also being introduced.

Now you can choose between the new DFW Zipline or a Jurassic Park zipline variant to decorate your parks with! These variants will be era limited, therefore you will only be able to mix eras on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. On PlayStation 4 and Xbox One you will choose between either for your parks. Which one will you be opting for to entertain your guests?

Sandbox Mode
Sandbox mode is also getting a plethora of additions in update 6, let's take a look at what we've added!
6 new square levels will be available for you in Sandbox mode that are all based on the 6 different biome types in the game. Southwest USA, San Diego and California levels will also be getting 3 expanded square levels.

Some more settings in sandbox are also being introduced, such as Unlimited Feeder Reserves, Income tax, Wild Capture Frequency and Decoration Foliage. If you choose to turn on the Unlimited Feeder Reserves setting, feeders will no longer need to be refilled by the ranger team, freeing up management time.

Income tax and wild capture frequency settings can both be toggled in 4 levels: none, low, medium and high, so you have full control of how much income your park generates and how often wild capture events will occur. For the wild capture frequency to be adjustable you will need to make sure 'expeditions and fossils' setting is also turned on. Lastly, the decoration Foliage setting will allow you to use foliage from all biomes or the level's specific biome as you choose, this will only be available on new generation consoles. We hope these new settings will be a rewarding addition to managing your parks in sandbox mode.

Quality of Life Changes
Of course we can't forget all the quality of life updates coming your way in Update 6!

No need to wait for toilets, amenities and shelters to be built over time anymore, as they will now be built instantly. We've also added the ability to place multiples of the same building without needing to enter the build menu each time, with a quick shortcut. Just use Ctrl + Left Mouse Button on keyboard and R3 on controller!

Small dinosaurs are also being given more behaviours in Update 6. They will now be able to raise their heads when walking through water and even navigate through areas where they would have been blocked before.

Combat for Sauropods has also been adjusted to improve the quality of their fights. They will now take damage in chunks rather than continuously and begin bleeding out once they reach 15% health. Feedback for when the bleed out state is affecting a dinosaur has also been added, so you'll be able to manage your injured dinosaurs more efficiently.

To further facilitate these changes, hunting behaviours of carnivores have also seen some changes. They will now attack less frequently and may even fail a hunt depending on their individual combat stats and the defense level of the Sauropod. We've also adjusted the UI cohabitation feedback on the Therizinosaurus, Indominus rex, Velociraptor and Indoraptor to more clearly reflect their likes and dislikes, which should be a welcome change to better care for these dinosaurs.

Our console community will also be excited to hear that you can now import your PS4 player progress to the PS5 version of the game, meaning all your progress will be merged and nothing will be overwritten when being transferred over onto the PS5. The best way to do this would be to upload your PS4 save onto the PS Plus cloud and then download the saves from the cloud onto the PS5 and launch the game. Once in the main menu you should get a prompt to import the saves.

We hope you've enjoyed this highlight covering the new free update. More detailed patch notes on all the quality of life changes, as well as bug fixes will also be coming out on 30 March.

Ultima modifica di ulukaii : 23-03-2023 alle 11:56.
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Old 24-03-2023, 18:47   #71
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Riassuntazzo dei contenuti dell'update 6 >
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Old 30-03-2023, 11:25   #72
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Uscito l'Update 6, qui il changelog completo >

Non lo sto a riportare tutto, però questa la metto:
- Prevent transport helicopters from blocking other helis from delivering dinos with their waiting positions
SIII finalmente posso riaprire i miei parchi... sempre che il fix sia retroattivo

Caricando vecchi saves si possono presentare dei fastidiosi lag, il bug è noto e stanno indagando sulle cause.

Ultima modifica di ulukaii : 07-04-2023 alle 20:24.
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Old 15-04-2023, 10:07   #73
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Patch 1.7.2

- Restored Supply Piles 01 and Supply Piles 02 decorations to their pre-Update 6 visuals
- Added Supply Piles 03 and Supply Piles 04 (duplicated from Update 6's unintentional replacement of Supply Piles 01 and 02)

Gene Editor
- The variant carousal now doesn't use the LB/RB input anymore

Build Menu
- Display the detached viewing galleries when the Building Styles filter is applied in Sandbox modes with "All Buildings"

- Fixed cinematic camera mode causing occasional frame rate issues on busy parks
- Various localised text fixes
- Removed the gap between the play area and background forests on maps. This will still cause a small gap on existing saves, new saves will have no gap. Affects: Isla Nublar 1993-2015, Canada, Sierra Nevada (Dominion Biosyn Expansion), Biosyn (Dominion Biosyn Expansion), Malta (Dominion Malta Expansion)
Tuttavia c'è un problema noto per le versioni Microsoft Store/Game Pass su PC, in pratica l'update va in loop e non permette di avviare il gioco:
We're aware of an issue impacting Xbox players playing on PC, where update 1.7.2 is not able to be downloaded. This is currently being investigated by the team, and we will share updates on our social channels once available.
Ho fatto personalmente una prova ed è così, ad installazione completata (non importa se dal MS Store o da app XBox) il gioco poi si blocca all'avvio cercando di avviare nuovamente l'update, dando poi errore e disinstallandosi da solo (ma rimanendo in realtà ad occupare spazio su disco perché non viene realmente disinstallato). Insomma, le solite gioie del usare l'UWP

E' stato rilasciato un hot-fix per la versione MS-Store.

Ultima modifica di ulukaii : 18-04-2023 alle 15:48. Motivo: aggiornamento
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Old 15-04-2023, 12:52   #74
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Preso anche io,alla fine per poco meno di 10€,lo provo,il primo mi era piaciuto molto anche se era molto limitato...vediamo
Lianli Lancool III |Ryzen R9 7950X+EkWb Magnitude D-Rgb|ASRock X670E Taichi Carrara|G.Skill Trident Z5 32GB Rgb 7600Cl36|Nvidia RTX 4090 F.E.+EK-Quantum Vector|Aorus Gen4 1TB|Seasonic TX 1300W|Predator CG7|Tim FTTH 1000/300
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Old 29-04-2023, 10:53   #75
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è un mangia tempo questo gioco,un passo nettamente avanti rispetto al primo,che in confronto sembra una demo.

Ho solo fatto la campagna e il primo capitolo della teoria del caos
Lianli Lancool III |Ryzen R9 7950X+EkWb Magnitude D-Rgb|ASRock X670E Taichi Carrara|G.Skill Trident Z5 32GB Rgb 7600Cl36|Nvidia RTX 4090 F.E.+EK-Quantum Vector|Aorus Gen4 1TB|Seasonic TX 1300W|Predator CG7|Tim FTTH 1000/300
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Old 22-05-2023, 19:52   #76
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Mi son già fatto una 30ina di ore e non me ne sono nemmeno accorto

Come Dlc cosa consigliate ?

Per ora ho preso l'early Cretaceus e il Dominion Biosyn
Lianli Lancool III |Ryzen R9 7950X+EkWb Magnitude D-Rgb|ASRock X670E Taichi Carrara|G.Skill Trident Z5 32GB Rgb 7600Cl36|Nvidia RTX 4090 F.E.+EK-Quantum Vector|Aorus Gen4 1TB|Seasonic TX 1300W|Predator CG7|Tim FTTH 1000/300
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Old 22-05-2023, 20:15   #77
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Come DLC maggiori, in quanto aggiungono campagne/dinamiche di gioco, ci sono appunto: Biosyn (che hai già) e quello su Malta.

Gli altri sono invece dei piccoli dino-pack che aggiungono solo un tot di specie di animali (che son quelli in descrizione). Imho, il più carino è quello coi piumati con lo Yutyrannus, il Deinocheirus, il Sinosauropteryx e il Jeholopterus. Ovviamente non a prezzo pieno, ma se lo trovi a poco, quegli animaletti son carini e aggiungono varietà alle specie già presenti.

Sono poi previsti ulteriori DLCs, sia free che a pagamento, ma per ora non si hanno informazioni ufficiali, se non che per l'anniversario di Jurassic Park, il prossimo giugno, esce un piccolo DLC free a tema, con nuove decorazioni.
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Old 24-05-2023, 19:27   #78
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Si certo i Dino-pack li prendo a prezzo scontato,tipo l'early cretaceus l'ho preso a poco più di 2€.

Dominion Biosyn aggiunge delle dinamiche interessanti,anche quello preso scontato a circa 7-8€..

Più avanti prenderò anche quello di Malta,magari cala ancora qualcosina.

Nel complesso è davvero un buon prodotto,un upgrade notevole rispetto al primo,per rilassarsi è ottimo.
Lianli Lancool III |Ryzen R9 7950X+EkWb Magnitude D-Rgb|ASRock X670E Taichi Carrara|G.Skill Trident Z5 32GB Rgb 7600Cl36|Nvidia RTX 4090 F.E.+EK-Quantum Vector|Aorus Gen4 1TB|Seasonic TX 1300W|Predator CG7|Tim FTTH 1000/300

Ultima modifica di Wolf91 : 24-05-2023 alle 19:30.
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Old 06-06-2023, 11:25   #79
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Piccola preview dei contenuti del DLC free per il 30° anniversario di Jurassic Park > link

Come anticipato si tratta di una serie di nuovi elementi decorativi tematici, una ventina in totale. L'elenco completo verrà pubblicato in concomitanza con la patch, il prossimo 8 giugno, nel link sopra se ne vedono alcuni.

Ecco il changelog dell'update > link
New Decorations
- Added Jurassic Park Decorations
- Les Gigantes Mural
- Jurassic Park Banner - Classic
- Fallen Tree
- Jurassic Park Sign
- Mr. DNA Sculpture
- Classic Bunker
- Classic Table and Chairs
- T. rex Skeleton
- Alamosaurus Skeleton
- Jurassic Park Banner Arch
- Classic Maintenance Shed
- Classic Wall - Straight
- Classic Wall - Arch
- Classic Wall - Curved
- Umbrella - Open
- Umbrella - Closed
- Jurassic Park Gate Arch
- Big Pile of Dung
- Added Jurassic Park Pylons/Fences/Gates
- Classic Pylon
- Classic Airlock Gate
- Small Electrified Fence
- Added Jurassic Park Paths
- Classic Facility Path
- Classic Standard Path
- Classic Wide Path
- Classic Main Thoroughfare
- Classic Luxury Standard Path
- Classic Luxury Wide Path
- Classic Luxury Main Thoroughfare

Bug Fixes
- Added the Insectivore Feeder to the following Challenge levels: Arizona Breakout, Washington State Wreckage, Pennsylvania Headquarters, Oregon Aviary
- Adjusted live feeder settings to ensure they're producing goats and fish to support larger dinosaur populations

Ultima modifica di ulukaii : 08-06-2023 alle 12:17. Motivo: Aggiunto changelog
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Old 03-08-2023, 15:25   #80
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Nuova patch prevista per il 10 agosto. Domani ci sarà una live in cui saranno mostrati dettagli:
We've got some very exciting features coming in Update 7, which is free to all Jurassic World Evolution 2 players, including quality of life and bug fixes.

However, you'll have to come back tomorrow (Friday August 4) to get all of the details, in our upcoming Free Update Highlight.
Sempre il 10 agosto uscirà anche un nuovo pack (a pagamento) di animali acquatici (trailer nel link sopra) che comprende: Archelon, Dunkleosteus, Nothosaurus e Shonisaurus.

[update sulla patch 7]
Breve riassunto sulle nuove aggiunte della patch 7 (qui descrizione completa):
- possibilità di personalizzare le challenges con nuovi parametri (40 in totale) e poterle anche condividere,
- una nuova galleria subacquea installabile nelle lagune,
- possibilità di piazzare l'anfiteatro a piacere (finora era caratteristica solo delle mappe a San Diego),
- possibilità di marcare le skin preferite dei vari dinosauri e fare in modo che il generatore casuale delle incubatrici peschi tra quelle combinazioni,
- possibilità di marcare i vari dinosauri del parco tra i preferiti,
- nuovo parametro per le sandbox per rendere inoffensivi nei confronti dei visitatori i dinosauri fuori dai recinti (on/off oppure solo carnivori aggressivi),
- sempre in sandbox è stato aggiunto uno slide che permette di attivare la distruzione degli edifici come decorazione estetica,
- nuove interazioni sociali per varie specie (alcune anche non documentate nel changelog).

Ci sono poi una serie di correzioni, ecco il changelog completo della patch 7

Ultima modifica di ulukaii : 10-08-2023 alle 11:45. Motivo: aggiunto changelog
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