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Old 11-12-2007, 23:22   #30
Senior Member
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Iscritto dal: Feb 2007
Cittā: Roma
Messaggi: 2155
Si, in effetti credo che la risposta sia esplicita nella licenza del programma, che č disponibile su internet:

3. Use Restrictions

You must not use the program in any manner somehow jeopardizing or violating the manufacturers' copyrights. Particularly, it is prohibited to make copies thereof (with the exception of making copies to be used as a backup). In addition, you must not reproduce the program, change it, modify it, decompile it, transfer it from a mechanical code, reanalyze it or create any deduced works therefrom by processing. All explicitly non-granted rights are reserved. Any copy of the program you have been permitted to obtain based hereon must contain a complete copyright and other notices provided at the original duplicate. You may not use the software in automatic, semi-automatic or manual tools designed to create virus signatures, virus detection routines, or any other data or code for detecting malicious code or data. Use of the software together with so-called "sigtools" is not permitted
Ovviamente "all'italiana" mi viene da pensare che privatamente ognuno possa fare quello che vuole, mentre diventerebbe illegale se venisse distribuita su internet la versione giā contenente la suddetta modifica ad AVG free.

Ps: tu hai provato la modifica?
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