Discussione: Nuovo pc gaming FHD
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Old 01-05-2024, 14:36   #26
Iscritto dal: Dec 2019
Messaggi: 45
ciao, ho appena acceso il pc ma mi da questo errore:

New CPU installed, fTPM/PSP NV corrupted or fTPM/PSP NV structure changed.

Press Y to reset fTPM, if you have BitLocker or encryption enabled,
the system will not boot without a recovery key

Press N to keep previous fTPM record and continue system boot, fTPM will NOT
enable in new CPY, you can swap back to the old CPY to recover TPM related
Keys and data.

secondo voi cosa devo premere "Y" ?

perchè ho letto qualche guida che dice che poi devo disbilitare il bitlocker...??

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