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Old 18-09-2013, 11:24   #1213
Senior Member
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Iscritto dal: Sep 2009
Messaggi: 2930
Originariamente inviato da Blashyrkh Guarda i messaggi
ma infatti mi sembra molto strano....
scoprirò nel tempo se ci sarà qualche problema....
leggevo in rete un tizio che ha scritto al supporto intel per un condensatore staccato (di un'altra CPU)

Thank you for your inquiry to Intel Technical support.

Components within a particular family or range are often based upon the same design foundations, sometimes you might see differences, often no differences are visible between two components within one product family, even though both components are not exactly the same.

In this case the specifications for this particular CPU do not require the (missing) capacitor, where as other processors within the same product family, but with different specifications might have this capacitor.

This is not a design fault or a broken component. If your system is working without any issues with this processor installed, there is absolutly no reason to be worried about it.
Fai uno stress test e vedi se crasha
Black & Yellow v1.1 (v1.0)
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