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Old 31-01-2012, 10:25   #135
Foglia Morta
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Iscritto dal: Jul 2005
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According to the roadmap, HD7750 and HD7770 will be available on February 15. Both cards will have 1 GB of GDDR5 memory, and from previous reports we also know that the boards will have 900 MHz core frequency, 896 and 832 stream processors, and 56 and 52 texture units. The HD 7770 will be priced at $149, and HD 7750 will be $10 cheaper.

In March AMD will release HD 7850 and HD 7870 GPUs, both featuring 2 GB of RAM. The 78x0 series will have core and memory frequencies, comparable to 77x0 series, however they will pack from 1280 (HD 7850) to 1408 (HD 7870) stream processors, and from 80 to 88 texture units. HD7870 will retail for $299, and HD7850 will be $249.

The roadmap doesn't have launch date for HD 7990 card. Based on older reports, this dual-GPU card may launch in March 2012, and it will cost $849.

Le specifiche tecniche di Pitcairn non mi convincono... pensavo a 20 CU a 1Ghz, non so se stanno provando a indovinare o parlano di info arrivate da MSI.
Comunque se le info sono corrette vorrebbe dire 22 CU per Pitcairn e 14 CU per Cape Verde , mi aspettanvo meno CU in Cape Verde ( 12 )


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Ultima modifica di Foglia Morta : 31-01-2012 alle 10:30.
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