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Old 23-10-2007, 11:46   #46
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A me quel dissipatore non mi convince affatto, anzi mi fa proprio incazzare!
Come si può creare una così bella VGA e poi rovinare tutto montandoci sopra quel dissipatore single-slot??? A prescindere che le temp. siano in linea con quelle raggiunte dalla GTX, 86°C sotto sforzo sono davvero tanti, per non contare quanto possano influire negativamente sulle temperature dell'intero sistema!
Nvidia avrebbe fatto bene a confermare la scelta fatta per le 8800GTS: un dissipatore che richiama fortemente l'NV Silencer 5 (che possiedo) che espelle l'aria calda sul retro del case.
La mia 6800GT@Ultra col suddetto dissipatore non supera i 65°C neppure dopo 2 ore di Medal of Honor Airborne!!!
Per fortuna che sulla recensione che tutti abbiamo letto è indicato che la nuova 8800GT sarebbe compatibile con alcuni dei dissipatori prodotti da terze parti già ampiamente testati su schede come le GeForce 7900/7800/7600/6800.
A mio parere, questa del dissipatore resta comunque una grossa beffa!
Quel dissipatore è lì perchè G92 non doveva andare così forte, in origine. Hanno aumentato shaders e clock dopo aver appreso del cambiamento di programma di ATi riguardo ad RV670.

Ecco cosa dice CJ in proposito (sorry per la traduzione dall'olandese made in Babelfish).

On Fudzilla a piece that nVidia always stood knew what ATi for doing was and she could be as a result almost always a step for. In the same piece stood that, now AMD to the control is, it a piece more difficult is know what them now exact for doing be because of much wrong information. Now have I interesting what to hear got nVidia have within limited time had two different roadmaps. One dated to beginning September. The other one dated of beginning October and is most recent. By means of those first roadmap you could see that nVidia thought until recently that RV670 but 75% of R600 would be. G92 then a piece had less streamprocessors at launch in planning stands then what it has now (112). It was funny that it was initially ever also meant RV670 as 75% of R600, therefore 240 streamprocessors on 256-bit memory interface. But plc had recently that RV670 therefore 100% would be R600, as a result of which them in allerijl by the end of September had adapted the roadmap and G92 revalued, rather than planned, to 112 streamprocessors. Moreover they had not taken into account the fact that RV670 already coming months come from. They this way frequently assumed of it up to beginning September that RV670 in Q1 08 from would come, just like The Source has let know... and what was also original planning. But A11 the stepping of RV670 have ensured that the launching of RV670 with some months the (! could be obtained!) forward. To up to that point last insider-verhalen
A.L.M. @ HWBOT | Personal PC: Asus N56VZ | Work PC: Lenovo Thinkpad T420 (Core i5 2520M, 4GB ram, 320GB 7200rpm) | Mobile device: iPhone 4S
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