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Old 30-01-2007, 13:27   #2
Senior Member
Iscritto dal: Jun 2002
Città: Sant'Egidio alla Vibrata (TE)
Messaggi: 11758
Originariamente inviato da k|ngp|n

Now we will make the main foam gasket that will surround the socket. Use the 1/2 sheet foam insulation for this step and center the hole for the unit right over the socket and just make sure the hole doesn't exceed the diameter of you cpu unit as we want to minimize any air space:

Time to install your cpu unit finally. Cover the speader of the chip with your tim of choice, and set your cpu container down on the center of the chip:

Now take your round pipe insulation that hopefully matches the outer diameter of your unit, and cut the lower piece that will go under the cpu holddown bracket. Make it oversized vertically, so when you slide the holdown bracket on top, it squeezes it down and compesses the foam down on the mobo as to seal off the socket area fom airflow:

Now slide down your hold down bracket and install the mounting hardware accordingly. In this case put down your shoulder spacers, then springs, top shoulder spacers, and finally thumbnuts:

Almost ready to bench now . Crank down the bracket nice and tight, add your top piece of insulation and your ready to go:

As a final step I will take some paper towel and fold it for a wrap that goes around the lower insulation under the hold down. It willl "catch" any run-off or condensation that forms on the hold down or outer insulation and prevent it from ever reaching the mobo:

Happy benching :toast:
Ho riportato il thread in inglese, appena ho un pò di tempo cerco di tradurre, per ora spero sia utile anche così.
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