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User111 21-12-2012 19:19

Miles Davis – Kind Of Blue (1959)

0sc0rpi0n0 24-12-2012 12:18

Band: Synful Ira

Album: Between Hope And Fear (2012)

Type: Gothic Metal

Varg87 24-12-2012 15:11

Cynic - The Portal Tapes

wolverine 24-12-2012 18:45

Band: Death Angel
Album: Act III
Anno: 1990

heijenoort 25-12-2012 11:40

The Flower Kings - The Sum of No Evil

Scoperti per caso da poco, cd arrivato a tempo record venerd́ :D

Yota79 25-12-2012 12:01

User111 25-12-2012 16:22

Fullmoon Dweller - The Wandering Ghoul (2008)
Black Metal

Varg87 26-12-2012 21:56

Forgotten Tomb - ...And Don't Deliver Us From Evil

Warm 27-12-2012 10:03

SkunkWorks 68 28-12-2012 08:18

|D@ve| 29-12-2012 10:44

Un classico :O :

SAINT SEIYA : TV Original Soundtrack 1

Milo91 29-12-2012 10:48

Burzum - Umskiptar (2012)
Black Metal

wolverine 31-12-2012 19:08

Band: The Cult
Album: Ceremony
Anno: 1991

Band: The Cult
Album: Choice of Weapon
Anno: 2012

|D@ve| 01-01-2013 12:31

Buon Anno a tutti con un classico...

|D@ve| 05-01-2013 16:11

Per ricordare i vecchi tempi in trascorsi giappone... quanto mi manca :cry: :

Varg87 08-01-2013 21:13

Ancient Rites - Blasfemia Eternal

Varg87 11-01-2013 00:29

Demonaz - March Of The Norse

ceccio1992 11-01-2013 15:58

Californication (1999)
Red Hot Chili Peppers ;)

Varg87 13-01-2013 02:17

Napalm Death - The Code Is Red...Long Live The Code

SkunkWorks 68 15-01-2013 11:12

Robert Palmer - Riptide(1985)

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