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Google Pixel 8a: può diventare un vero best buy? La recensione
Google Pixel 8a: può diventare un vero best buy? La recensione
Google ha capito che la serie "a" dei suoi Pixel piace agli utenti per vari motivi e per questo ha deciso di proporre sul mercato questo nuovo Pixel 8a che ha il sapore di uno smartphone migliorato rispetto alla passata generazione, con processore top di gamma ma ad un prezzo forse un po’ esagerato al momento.  
MSI Vector 16 HX A13V è un notebook gaming che fa sentire la sua potenza (e non solo)
MSI Vector 16 HX A13V è un notebook gaming che fa sentire la sua potenza (e non solo)
Abbiamo provato il notebook Vector 16 HX A13V di MSI, un sistema che coniuga hardware di fascia desktop con un buon insieme di porte. Il display Full HD+ permette alla RTX 4080 Laptop di garantire prestazioni top per diversi anni, ma proprio il display e la rumorosità massima rappresentano due nei per un portatile altrimenti convincente.
In Photoshop arriva l'IA di nuova generazione
In Photoshop arriva l'IA di nuova generazione
È disponibile in fase beta la funzione Genertive Fill avanzata di Photoshop, basata su Firefly 3. Più qualità e controllo, grazie soprattutto alle immagini di riferimento, e integrazione perfetta, ma l'utilizzo dell'IA non è più illimitato e gratuito.
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Old 16-04-2024, 12:16   #1
Senior Member
L'Avatar di devAngnew
Iscritto dal: Oct 2005
Messaggi: 3637
Problema connessione VDSL

ho delle disconnessioni da internet durante la giornata però non tutti i giorni e mi sembra di capire che dipenda dal modem del provider e non dal mio router (collegato al modem da diversi anni con nessun problema ).
Questo cmq è il log del modem-router del provider

16.04.2024 02:17:05 The HG tries to contact the ACS
16.04.2024 02:02:05 The HG tries to contact the ACS
16.04.2024 01:50:19 Internet Telephonie connection (+39xxxxxx) has successfully been established:.......
is filled with the telefone number that responded by the server, if available

16.04.2024 01:50:18 The HG tries to contact the ACS
16.04.2024 01:50:13 Time Server successfully connected and time synchronisation achieved
16.04.2024 01:50:11 Internet connection successfully established
16.04.2024 01:50:11 From internet service provider transferred Gateway IP address:

16.04.2024 01:50:11 Timeout during PPP initialization(IPCP)
16.04.2024 01:50:10 Info: PADS packet received by the HG
16.04.2024 01:50:10 Info: PADR packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 01:50:10 Info: PADO packet received by the HG
16.04.2024 01:50:10 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 01:50:07 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 01:50:04 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 01:50:01 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 01:49:58 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 01:49:55 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 01:49:52 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 01:49:49 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 01:49:48 Info: PADT packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 01:49:46 Info: PADT packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 01:49:41 Configuration Server could not be reached
16.04.2024 01:49:40 Connection to the Internet has been terminated
16.04.2024 01:49:40 Connection has been terminated: Remote station is not answering to LCP Echo requests

16.04.2024 01:47:09 Configuration Server could not be reached
16.04.2024 01:32:09 Configuration Server could not be reached
16.04.2024 01:17:09 Configuration Server could not be reached
16.04.2024 01:02:09 Configuration Server could not be reached
16.04.2024 01:01:10 DHCP is active: 16.04.2024 01:01:10 LAN (null) c8:7f:54:62:68:98; 21600

16.04.2024 00:57:19 Configuration Server could not be reached
16.04.2024 00:49:51 Configuration Server could not be reached
16.04.2024 00:47:09 Configuration Server could not be reached
16.04.2024 00:46:34 Configuration Server could not be reached

16.04.2024 00:45:38 Configuration Server could not be reached
16.04.2024 00:45:08 Configuration Server could not be reached
16.04.2024 00:45:07 Time Server successfully connected and time synchronisation achieved
16.04.2024 00:45:00 Configuration Server could not be reached
16.04.2024 00:44:54 Configuration Server could not be reached
16.04.2024 00:44:50 Internet Telephonie connection +39xxxxxxxx has successfully been established: ......... is filled with the telefone number that responded by the
server, if available

16.04.2024 00:44:38 Internet connection successfully established
16.04.2024 00:44:38 From internet service provider transferred Gateway IP address:

16.04.2024 00:44:38 Timeout during PPP initialization(IPCP)
16.04.2024 00:44:37 Info: PADS packet received by the HG
16.04.2024 00:44:37 Info: PADR packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:44:37 Info: PADO packet received by the HG
16.04.2024 00:44:34 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:44:31 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:44:28 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:44:25 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:44:22 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:44:19 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:44:16 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:44:13 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:44:10 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:44:07 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:44:04 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:44:01 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:43:58 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:42:58 PPPoE error: timeout(waiting for PADO packets)
16.04.2024 00:42:55 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:42:52 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:42:49 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:42:46 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:42:43 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:42:40 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:42:37 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:42:34 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG

16.04.2024 00:42:31 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:42:28 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:42:25 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:42:22 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:42:19 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:42:16 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:41:16 PPPoE error: timeout(waiting for PADO packets)
16.04.2024 00:41:13 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:41:10 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:41:07 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:41:04 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:41:01 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:40:58 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:40:55 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:40:52 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:40:49 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:40:46 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:40:43 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:40:40 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:40:37 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:40:34 Info: PADI packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:40:33 Info: PADT packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:40:25 Info: PADT packet sent by the HG
16.04.2024 00:40:19 Connection to the Internet has been terminated
16.04.2024 00:40:19 Connection has been terminated: Remote station is not answering to LCP Echo requests

16.04.2024 00:32:05 The HG tries to contact the ACS
16.04.2024 00:25:18 Received a connection request but authentication failure
16.04.2024 00:25:15 Received a connection request but authentication failure
16.04.2024 00:17:05 The HG tries to contact the ACS
16.04.2024 00:02:05 The HG tries to contact the ACS
15.04.2024 23:47:06 The HG tries to contact the ACS
15.04.2024 23:32:05 The HG tries to contact the ACS
15.04.2024 23:17:09 The HG tries to contact the ACS
15.04.2024 23:02:05 The HG tries to contact the ACS
15.04.2024 22:47:05 The HG tries to contact the ACS
15.04.2024 22:32:06 The HG tries to contact the ACS
Noto disconnessioni e sempre warnig/error The HG tries to contact the ACS
cosa può essere ?
grazie 1000
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Old 16-04-2024, 20:38   #2
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L'Avatar di Bovirus
Iscritto dal: Nov 2003
Città: Milano
Messaggi: 30728

Per favore servono i dettagli.

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Old 16-04-2024, 23:22   #3
Senior Member
L'Avatar di devAngnew
Iscritto dal: Oct 2005
Messaggi: 3637
Originariamente inviato da Bovirus Guarda i messaggi

Per favore servono i dettagli.

Ciao, ecco le info

TIM Sercomm VD625 Modem Wi-Fi - Bianco su FTTC 100Mb

Ultima modifica di devAngnew : 17-04-2024 alle 12:23.
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Old 17-04-2024, 07:35   #4
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L'Avatar di Bovirus
Iscritto dal: Nov 2003
Città: Milano
Messaggi: 30728

Per il VD625 esiste un thread dedicato
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