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Old 03-02-2022, 08:52   #764
Senior Member
Iscritto dal: May 2006
Cittā: Milano
Messaggi: 2074
Il sistema e stato aggiornato con successo con cpu QX 9300 quad core revisione E0,
12 MB di cache, 2,53 GHz, FSB a 1066 MHz, sbloccata con moltiplicatore fino a 11,
vid basso ed ottima per overclock.
La tengo a 3.5Ghz undervoltata a 1.088, non scalda neanche a max freq, ottima.
memoria espansa al amssimo con i moduli gia postati.
Unico appunto, dopo il cambio di cpu le ventole
tendono ad farsi sentire anche senza essere sotto carico
da bios non si regolano e sembra un settaggio che imposta la macchina in automatico con cpu quad core.
Nessun tool provato,i piu noti, sembra riuscire a riconoscere e gestire la velocita ventole,
unico modo che ho trovato, e funziona bene, e attivare un particolare menu Dell dentro windows.
discussione orginale solo su cache google:

How to change a Dell laptop fan speed (UPDATED)

procedura da effetuare dentro Windos(7 funziona):

"To enable this mode (from in Windows or anyplace)....
hold down (fn+shift) then type (while still holding down fn+shift) 1,5,3,2,4
- This will enable the special mode.
After that fn+R will bring you to a text based screen (again, even in Windows)
where you can get to all the temps, fan speeds, etc, and even set the throttling percentages.."


RED: 0-100%
Basically, Is the throttle amount, if you suspect the throttle to be on (processor slown down) Check this setting

Basically, if you want the system to automatically apply a throttle when the system gets hot, if its a desktop,
you should probably clean your fans, But, if you dont want throttle, turn this off.

Green: (can be many different things, but, it is the fan speed) 0- infiniti, PWM= A0-F9
This is the fan speed, if your running a laptop, setting it to a high number, and hitting R,
will tell you your max fan speed, (if its a high number like 100,000, the fan shouldn't run that fast,
the fan has limiter on its speed.

Now, There is on PWM computers, where you gotta set it from A0 to F9 (basically, numbers, A1, A2, A3, A4, Etc)

This is the auto fan controller, if you want the bios to automatically change the fan speed acording
to the temperature (Usually for laptops, it saves power) Leave it on, when you change the fan setting manually,
it turns it off, so, remember to turn it back on if you cant decide on a fixed RPM.

le ventole si posono regolare da 0 a max giri inserendo il valore numerico e switchando con i tasti freccia.
Su windows 7 ultimate funziona perfettamente.
|TAICHI x399|1950x@4.0|NOCTUA NH-U14S|GSKILL.3200C14.32GB|Quadro+RTX+RTX|
|TAICHI x399|2950x@4.4|NOCTUA NH-U14S|GSKILL.3200C14.64GB|Quadro+RTX+RTX|

Ultima modifica di zangtumtum : 03-02-2022 alle 09:14.
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