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Old 16-05-2013, 12:55   #77
Senior Member
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Iscritto dal: Nov 2005
Città: Cervia (RA)
Messaggi: 16890
Grazie lo vado a piazzare
da quello che ho capito sebbene un po' contorto funziona anche da esclusione:
i'll add some info regarding the new Threat Control:

TC is unifying both AV and AVC infections/threats + exclusions on the items that the user decided/considered that are FalsePositive

For a better user experience, if a process is Unblocked from AVC, it will also be automatically excluded from AV scan; and vice-versa
Our approach was to minimize the UI: just a Delete All Quar button, right-click for per-item actions, no Restore all button, no Exclude all button, no Remove all exclusions etc.
Quindi una volta in quarantena perchè sospetto basta fare Restore e torna in sistema e verrà escluso dalle scansioni successive
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