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Old 31-03-2010, 23:48   #88
Senior Member
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Iscritto dal: Nov 2000
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salve ho comprato oggi un Sitecom WL-322 wireless
ho impostato la scheda di rete cosi

ho il router con firewall disattivato.. ma nonostante tutto non mi funzionava emule (risultava firewallato) , cosi seguendo quanto scritto pochi post sopra ho aperto le porte di emule e ora è tutto ok.

ora ho un altro problema :
giocando online esiste un software obbligatorio (punkbuster) che controlla affinche i giocatori non usino trucchi (cheats) e quest' ultimo non riesce a trasmettere dati cosi' dopo poco che gioco vengo espulso dal sistema anticheat che spiega che il problema è spesso a livello router ( e infatti col vecchio modem usb non c'erano problemi).
Sembrerebbe che io ( spiegato sotto in inglese) debba aprire delle porte
UDP Port 27666 e UDP Ports 24300-24399
ora la UDP 27666 l' ho aperta ma come faccio a impostare per aprire le altre 99?

PunkBuster kicks me for INIT FAILURE, what does that mean?
Usually, this message means your PB is not working properly. You should run our PBSETUP program to make sure your PB is up to date.
However, we have recently discovered that some broadband routers routinely drop OOB (Out of Band) packets for no apparent reason. Since all PB packets are OOB, these routers can actually block PB's communication (again for no apparent reason). To determine if the router is the cause of this problem for you, remove the router and connect directly to the internet. If you are able to play this way, then the cause is very likely the router.
Based on user feedback, the following router brands/models are reported to have problems. Not necessarily all models of a brand might be affected, and the list is in no way complete but it can give you a few hints. Also, we do not claim that our list below shows the only solution to fix your issue, nor that it will fix it for sure even though it has worked for others. It could very well be that changing some settings in your router could help as well. Contacting the company directly might help you as well.

* Linksys - possible solution: Use firmware 1.44.2
* Motorola - possible solution: Update to latest firmware
* Netgear - possible solution: Disable SPI (statefull packet inspection)
In general, if a connection can play the Game online successfully without PunkBuster, then there will be no need to make any changes to a firewall or proxy that may be in use when PunkBuster is Installed and Enabled. PunkBuster communicates over the Internet (and in LAN environments) using the same network channels created and used by the Game, and therefore requires no changes. If, however, you had to adjust your firewall to use the game in the first place, you may need to extend that adjustment to include ports used by PB's auto-update feature. PunkBuster use outgoing UDP Port 27666 to get security info from the PunkBuster Master Servers, PunkBuster Servers use UDP Ports 24300-24399.
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